Sunday, 23 March 2025

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed projects. One of which, is of course the Soldier King project using plastic Spencer Smiths.

The completion of the army of  Banst seems to have sapped a lot of the enthusiasm for the project; not sure why, but I couldn't seem to get the army finished. Plans for work over Christmas were scuppered by illness and work has been draining and sapping any energy at the weekends.

A visit to Hammerhead and an improvement in the weather has helped, as well as a refocus on work-life balance. Without going into details, developments at work have left me with a different perspective and I think I will be able to afford to retire at 65 after all; only another three years after April!

As such, I have returned to the SK project. There are three armies left to do for the non-Electoral states of Waldow (upper and lower amalgamated), Sinistria and Dupanen. In addition, I have started converting figures suitable for Rebels or Civilian militia. My original plans were disrupted by a couple of factors; the Kingdoms of the game each have armies of 24 units plus artillery and commanders. The game gives each 12 "income" points. The very first idea was to have 12 units, one for each income point. Part way through, after completing Bravance and Hrvatska, I realised the armies were too small, so doubled them.

Unfortunately, when I added Estavia and the Electoral and non-Electoral states, I did so in a rather haphazard way; The Electoral and non-Electoral states had army lists drawn up from the income points. Banst (as always) proved more difficult. To get the level of army I wanted, I increased the number of units which meant it was unbalanced compared to other Electoral states but in line with the kingdoms.....

I went down several rabbit holes trying to balance it all out, getting very confused with how many boxes I had to store the potentially increased armies as well as becoming disillusioned with the amount of increased painting and cleaning up this would entail....

I'm sure this all contributed to my flagging enthusiasm. A sudden lightbulb moment helped; if I took one income point as the cost to raise a unit and half a point to maintain it, I could reconcile the army sizes to the income in the game and scale back to amount of new units that would need painting...

One way to look at it was if all income was used, the states was on a "war footing". I also thought that the "Rebel" figures could also become a militia to boost some states armies. Looking at the map also produced some thoughts; the non-Electoral states are in the front line for any invasion by the four kingdoms, especially Waldow; the Empire may have to fight on more than one front and the various Electoral states may be pressed to form a single Electoral army without losing territory...

I have therefore decided to expand Estavia and create some "Imperial militia" that can be used to bolster the Electoral states in addition to any civilian militia they call out. The non-Electoral states will have to be on a war footing......

Sadly, the pictures that follow are not that exciting, but I have managed to clean-up a lot of Spencer Smith plastics (a job that entails carving away the flash that surrounds the figures) wash in detergent, glue standards and varnish (I coat the figures in a layer of acrylic varnish before undercoating and painting) the extension to Waldow. Just awaiting suitable weather for the black spray undercoat.

I have also just cleaned the excess plastic from the army of Sinistria; since the picture was taken I carved down the blanket roll on the blue figures - these will be light infantry modelled on the Russian copies of Austrian Grenzer. I also discovered that one of the replacement Grenadier heads had disappeared - there followed much cursing and swearing followed by a fruitless search and acceptance I would need another donor figure, which was dug out of the lead and plastic mountain in the garage....

I took this as a sign to put it all away in bags and back in the box.....

On a related note, my friend Eric Turner in the USA has been working on Imaginary Napoleonic forces from old school 25mm figures donated to him - see his blog:

Eric was lacking artillery crew and generals so I dug out some old Hinchliffe destined for the melting pot; I also asked if he would like some "Grotesques" to act as generals....after some discussion Eric asked if he could have something "heroic" and something "reluctant" so some work with Sculpey produced:

Crude and ugly they may be but also 100% unique!

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Hammerhead 2025 - the photos

As promised, a photo dump of pictures I snapped at the show. There were lots more games, some not very photogenic; these are just games I found interesting for one reason or another.


Boondock Sayntes - Fords of Isen

Midgard Troy in 1:300

French & Indian War - Derby raid on a native American village (needed more trees IMHO)

My personal favourite - To The Strongest Glorantha / Runequest - Battle of the Horn Gate Prax (no apologies for number of photos)


The Crimson Bat! 

Chaos waiting in the wings....

A very cluttered 10mm League of Augsburg game

Peter Dennis paperboys Egyptian v Hittite

WW1  Zero Hour

Fitzaubrey Last Hurrah

The Bunker Shaun of the Dead

My mates from the Tyneside club - Death on the Nile scratchbuilt 10mm Egyptian and Sea People galleys

A Small table game - Deathship?

An Italian Wars game using an adaptation of Fire & Fury ACW rules

Lots of other games that were either too busy to get near or not very photogenic IMHO .

Had a long chat with people from the Tyneside group and a shorter one with Simon Millar and Ian Notter with the Glorantha TSS game.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Hammerhead 2025

Yesterday I went to Hammerhead at the Newark Showground. Pictures will follow once I get them organised and catalogued to the games.


I got there around 11.15 and left around 15:30. When I arrived, people appeared to be already leaving, although could just have been putting stuff in their cars.

There was a queue, unprecedented in my experience unless turning up before a show opens. I was therefore expecting it to be busy; it wasn't. I think the queue was down to the entry system, with one person taking entry fee, one putting on the bracelet and another handing a plan, which sort of created a delay in filtering people in. I have to say I saw lots of people bypassing the entry - some were carrying boxfiles so may have been part of the DBA competition. I'm sure if you had just walked in  confidently enough, especially if carrying something, I doubt you would have been challenged.

Big plus, a printed floor plan! I did note Bacchus seemed absent, although I may have just missed them / assumed the stand was part of Warlord.

The show remained busy throughout without becoming crowded. The traders seemed to be busy, except for a few "niche" stands. The "bring and buy" was a strange mix of three deep or empty spaces, depending on what was being offered for sale.

The games were a mix of bigger tables and very small 3'x3' or 4'x4' with a lot of sci-fi and fantasy mixed with historicals. Some of the bigger "traditional" games looked unplayed, with the odd punter maybe speaking to the person(s) putting it on. Other bigger tables with traditional wargames looked as if the players were the ones putting it on, as they didn't change throughout the day..... 

A few games have been at other shows, some were new. The terrain was mixed, from TSS tiles or green cloth to sculpted, ratty looking trees to dioramic masterpieces with everything in between. The DBA competition looked especially grim and could have been from the 1970s or 1980s......horses for courses I suppose.

I spent a lot of the day speaking to some old mates from the Tyneside Wargames club who were putting on Death on the Nile - scratchbuilt 10mm Egyptian v Sea  People naval battle created by Pete Foggin, who grabbed some coffee stirrers for more ships! I did see Martin Rapier as I was talking, but didn't manage to speak to him or bump into him afterwards.

I did have a chat with Simon Miller and Ian Notter who were there with a To the Strongest Glorantha / Runequest game featuring Ian's Praxian Nomads and Richard Crawley's Morocanth (I only worked out it was Richard after I had walked away) as well Simon's lovely troops including the Big Red Bat itself (display only). We chatted about adapting the rules for Glorantha and model Sables, Impala and Antelope......

A good day out, finished with a good VWC session, left me feeling as if I've recovered some of my wargaming mojo....

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Thoughts on the battle of Pavia 24/25 February 1525: "God grant me 100 years of war, and not one of battle."

My apparent silence on the blog is mostly due to a profound lack of wargaming activity and continued lack of focus and distractions. I have however, been reading and researching the battle of Pavia. The words in the title are credited to the Marquis of Pescara. for the unwary researcher of the battle, a version might be "grant me 100 sources, and not one agrees!"

Suffice to say, what actually happened on that dark overcast night and misty morning 500 years ago cannot be established with certainty and even the number of men who were engaged is far from certain. Few of the contemporary accounts agree or give more than hints of detail. "Modern" historians from the early to late part of the C20th have taken bits from here and there, discounted some accounts, even walked the ground and created versions of the battle that have been repeated without question, especially by wargamers....

Even the contemporary accounts were written to excuse or glorify certain nations, with French, German, Spanish and Neapolitans each seeking to take ownership of the victory or explain why the French lost so badly. It has even been questioned whether the Imperialists were seeking battle or merely conducting a raid to resupply the besieged garrison.

To make sense of the battle, it is necessary to split down the various parts into the geography, the forces, the actions / sequence and ideas for refighting the battle as a wargame.


Perhaps the biggest handicap is a good map of the actual battle. More than one modern author has been led astray by failing to grasp some of the geographical aspects. Not least is the failure to grasp that there were in fact TWO parks, the old and the new, divided by a boundary wall. Many maps do not make this clear, omitting the wall encircling the new park. In turn this has led to many historians opting for a point of entry that is both unlikely and not supported by the sources.

While searching for more information on the appearance of the walls, gates and the Mirabello palace, I discovered an Italian book "Mirabello di Pavia" by Faustino Gianani. This is a history of the park and palace and devotes a chapter to the battle. Translated laboriously with the aid of a translation pen, it demolishes many of the myths and supports the arguments given by contemporary or near contemporary sources.  It serves as a useful counterpoint or corrective to "The Battle of Pavia" by Jean Giono, which is an otherwise essential source for the battle. In particular, it casts doubt on many of the locations given by Giono and credited with special significance. No where is this more important than the location where the Imperialists broke into the park.

Giono, following the German historian Thom, opts for the point of entry as the Porta Pescarina and discredits an contemporary resident of Pavia, Antonio Grumello who gives an authoritative description of the break in at the Duo Porte on the east wall. To reach the Pescarina gate would require rthe Imperialists to first break through the encircling park wall before then breaking into the northern boundary wall at the Pescarina - which despite the name has no connection to the Marquis of Pescara, already being so named. A map should make things clearer; many omit the new park wall and so give credence to the Pescarina gate theory.


Three breaches were made by 2000 Gustatori - pioneers - the gate itself and one each to either side.

Initially, I thought the Pescarina gate more likely as there is a road and the ground was described as boggy. Interestingly, while the walls are long gone and the Mirabello palace much altered, two of the gates themselves still exist.

Porta Pescarina

Torre del Mangano

It also suggests to me the encircling wall and dividing wall were possibly of different styles. A contemporary woodcut suggests the main walls were crenelated in the Ghibeline style.

The woodcut also shows the appearance of the Mirabello palace, much altered today.

Note on the map the large and small woods and the marshy Vernavola stream. Giono points out most of the trees would have shed their leaves the eastern wood also having dense undergrowth. The Vernavola may have been wooded and there is a raised road, used for horse races by the Dukes of Milan.


Note few sources, either contemporary or modern agree. The following represents the best estimate I can reach after consulting various sources.


Gensdarmes 1200 to 1300 "lances"  giving between 3600 and 5200 + heavy cavalry

NOTE it is common to refer to the number of heavy cavalry by "lance" - a lance included between 3 and 4 extra fighting men such as "archers". The French attacked "en haye" so the lighter cavalry would support the fully armoured knight in the same formation. This is supported by a Spaniard Iacobo De Neile who gives the French 2000 heavy cavalry and 5000 light - if we deduct the known 2000 LC this gives 5000 - a mixture of fully armoured and lighter cavalry. Some may have been Italian.

2000 Light cavalry including 700 Stradiots, the remainder mounted arquebus or crossbow, some of whom would be with Medici's Black Bands and so take no part in the battle.

8000 Swiss - most likely in two bodies of 5000 and 3000 - many had gone home or deserted prior to the battle. Maximum 10,000 though doubtful and may be many less than the 8000 given.

4-5000 Landesknechts including the Black Band, possibly in two bodies as both Lorraine and Suffolk are given as commanders

53 guns

There were also:

6000 French and 2500 to 4000 Italian infantry. These appear to have been left in the trenches surrounding Pavia. There s mention of 2000 Gascons with the king, but the others were either Medici's leaderless Black Bands (he was wounded before the battle) or French under Alencon who retreated.


700-800 Lances (as above) giving between 2100 and 3200 heavy cavalry

NOTE these included 500 Bavarian MAA under the Count of Salm and 500 Burgundian knights - the German cavalry supposedly fought in a deep wedge formation while the Burgundians fought like the French. The remainder were Spanish and Italian.

1500 light cavalry - Spanish or Neapolitan Ginetes

12,000 Landesknechts under Frundesberg and Sith - probably two bodies of 6000

5-7000 Spanish - most agree on 5000

3000 Arquebus made up of equal amounts of Spanish, German and Neapolitan - sometimes given as all Spanish or Neapolitan - Guicciardini says 6000 equally divided between those nationalities

16-17 guns

3000 Germans and 2000 Italians were left to guard the camp

Pavia Garrison sortie

200 dismounted knights, 3000 Spanish 6000 Landesknechts - maybe only 5-6000 sortied out

All numbers could be much lower for both sides.


The Imperialists were said to have divided themselves into two bodies of horse and four of foot - the arquebus task force under del Vasto, the Spanish and the two German bodies. The arquebusiers and artillery passed through the breach nearest to Pavia and the gate itself respectively, then the first of the cavalry with the remainder in turn - I suspect the second body of horse was last. The first had both heavy and light cavalry. This looks like a column which could turn itself quickly into a line of battle.

At some stage the French became aware. While the arquebusier captured Mirabello and the camp of traders by surprise, it seems the artillery became stuck and were attacked by French cavalry (possibly light) and possibly Swiss. The artillery was captured the troops with it fleeing to some woods.

French artillery - either mobile guns moved up, guns entrenched in a French camp previously began taking the Spanish and Landesknechts under fire, causing them casualties and forcing them to shelter behind the raised road and whatever cover was available.

Francis arrived with the French cavalry and charged in masking his guns. He was counter-attacked by the Viceroy of Naples with the first body of cavalry, including some lights. Outnumbered, they gave way. Pescara with the Spanish and possibly del Vasto took the French cavalry under fire.

The Landesknechts under Frundesberg may have tackled  a small body of Swiss (3000) on the French right flank who routed.

The Black Band Landesknechts came up to be attacked by the Imperialist Landesknechts who surrounded them and gave no quarter.

A second body of Swiss moving from the abbeys encountered their fleeing comrades, routing French cavalry and may have been attacked by a sortie from Pavia, they too routed away to discover the bridge over the river broken by Alencon, so many drowned.

The French cavalry now found themselves fighting infantry and possibly the second body of Imperialist cavalry plus whatever Naples had rallied. No longer able to charge, possibly in boggy ground they were slowly cut down and the king captured.

Wargaming the battle

Many wargames scenarios have the two armies lined up in a set piece battle. My reading suggests this was not how it unfurled. The Imperialists should have the capture of Mirabello as an objective.

As they are deploying with troops moving through the breaches, a French advance guard appears -opposite the Imperial artillery -  cavalry and 3000 Swiss? The artillery seem to be alone so perhaps the arquebusiers had gone and the rest of the army was making it's way in.

Artillery is deployed by the French who take the Imperial infantry under fire. Are the advance guard deployed to protect them?

Francis arrives with the French cavalry and charges masking his guns so must be deployed facing the first Imperial infantry and Spanish. The French Black Band Landesknechts are still making their way forward.

So both sides are feeding troops in with a piecemeal arrival. Francis - something of a rash individual - probably thought his charge would sweep the enemy away, so it's unlikely they were fully deployed.

It probably needs some form of random entry with built in delay: for the Imperials (1) Arquebusiers, (2) artillery, (3) cavalry, (4) Spanish, (5) and (6) Germans, (7) second cavalry.

For the French (1) advance guard, (2) artillery, (3) French cavalry, (4) Black Band, (5) Swiss main body; the Imperialists should also be able to bring on a sortie from Pavia - historically a signal from guns in the Imperialist camp let the garrison know the relief was on the way.

I hope this has been of interest. While I won't make the 500th anniversary on the date, I do hope to finish my flats and refight the battle this year with any luck...


The best is The Italian Wars Volume 3 Francis I and the Battle of Pavia 1525; Massimo Predonzani & Vincenzo Alberici

The Battle of Pavia by Jean Giorno was once the definitive source, still useful with much on the terrain and background but flawed

Mirabello di Pavia; Il Parco, La Battaglia, La Parrocchia by Faustino Gianani is useful to correct some of the fanciful aspects of Giorno

Francesco Guicciardini The History of Italy is available in an antiquarian translation - be wary of the English modern translations as these are extracts omitting any of the details of battles for the most part! For Pavia you need books 15 & 16

Oman is virtually useless. Konstam's Pavia 1525 by Osprey is a rehash of secondary material - the maps for example end at the corner of the old park and new, giving the impression no other walls exist or simply omit them completely, moderately useful but approach with caution.

I have looked at various articles both written and on the internet, as well as various wargames scenarios, most of the latter are pure invention it has to be said. I'd also recommend the various woodcuts and paintings as well as the series of tapestries to give some period flavour, although most paintings are completely inaccurate and speculative. the tapestries are available in a large format book.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Inability to focus

Before any concerned blog readers think I have some sort of problem with my eyes, I should clarify it's about an inability to mentally focus on producing something of note. I have not touched a paintbrush in a long time now....

Mostly it's due to two factors; depressing grey days; I really need bright daylight to even get motivated to paint; secondly, time....

The weekends go very fast. My last leave over Christmas was stymied by illness and prevented me from doing much of anything. I seem to find the weekends taken up with things I didn't have time to do during the week, so have not even forced myself into doing much except tidy up and think.

I'm conscious I should be focussing on Pavia. To that end I have been translating (with the use of a translation pen) an Italian book I picked up from eBay. I was looking for more information on the Mirabello palace and the park walls, primarily their appearance. Sadly, much is lost. The best we can hope for are the various woodcuts, paintings and tapestries of the battle.

What it has done is completely change my thinking on the battle. What I have realised is that all the modern accounts are selective, ignoring some sources at the expense of others. There is a well reasoned argument, supported by a contemporary source (from Pavia) that the entry point must have been the Duo Porte in the east, not the Porte Pescharina - the latter would have needed the Imperialists to break through TWO walls - the walls enclosing the new park and then the walls of the old park - which none of the sources mention. Often modern accounts just repeat the Pescarina gate theory without addressing the problem of the two walls - in some cases the map cuts off the new park wall altogether!

There is the possibility that the Old park wall was already breached or that the new park wall was in disrepair, but the sources are clear that the Imperialists broke into and pulled down the park walls to gain entry, which delayed them. There are also doubts about the French King's location - the Repentina may just have been a rural cottage and the Duke of Milan's Kennels pure invention....

Along with these doubts has come even more discouraging news. I had been toying with putting Pavia on as a game at a show. I had thought about Britcon, only to discover that this year due to Nottingham University not accepting external bookings, it has had to move to Leicester. Logistically this is too far for me. That leaves the Newark shows, but I'm now getting cold feet about the whole idea. I have even found myself wondering whether I shouldn't just go back to my idea of DBA sized armies or even using the 15mm I have.

The lack of producing anything has also led to considering renovating or restarting old projects rather than new; that is projects I never finished but have painted stuff for. In this mood I have found myself looking at my SYW but more particularly, French & Indian War. I have the figures, a lot of the French and Indians are done, so I have found myself buying large pine tree models from eBay....

I have struggled a bit to find a set of rules I like; before anyone suggests any I have explored many! I need a set that can cover both battle and skirmish - most F&IW rules cover the latter or require large figure to man scales. I quite liked Habitants and Highlanders, but don't like the predictable shooting. I have dug out the old WRG 1685 to 1845, but have also toyed with VnB variable scales. I suspect it may end up as a Frankenstein of several......

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Hello 2025, goodbye 2024! New Year ruminations

A happy New Year to any followers of this blog!

As is traditional amongst bloggers, I've looked back at 2024 and thought about where I'm going in 2025. One of the good things about blogging is that it allows you to establish exactly what you were doing on a specific date without recourse to fallible memory.

Looking back to this time last year, I see I had a raging chest infection! It has obviously become traditional for this time of year....

I was trying to plod along with the Soldier King project but didn't finish Banst until the simmer of that year. Each year I think to myself that I really should get this 30year old project finished. Having being within a whisker of completion, I eventually worked out a logical recruitment and maintenance system from the game translated into VnB units. Having then applied this to the armies, I found that Estavia, the Imperial states and non-electoral states all had room for increasing the armies.....

This resulted in the equivalent of a whole new army.....

Psychologically, this derailed me a bit; the thought of cleaning up Spencer Smith figures and then getting very mixed up and focussed on storage, meant it all went on the back-burner. I have since realised I actually have more HMSO box files so some of the reasoning was utterly irrelevant!

This year, one of my goals is to get the armies finished so that I can actually start a campaign.

Last year this time was also focussed on the Six Days War project. Not much has been done on that   over the course of the year.  Partly due to real world events and more likely due to new distractions.....

In February I commenced on the Italian Wars project using Zinnfiguren flats. This has resulted in a new painting technique and project creep from a modest aim of DBA sized armies to refighting Pavia at 1:100 scale! The realisation of it being the 500th anniversary was what did it. Looking back, I have made some progress with the French  and Swiss but there are a lot more to do.

I also got distracted by embarking on a long desired WW2 desert project. Despite having a lot of 15mm stuff, this was in 20mm - the 15mm being organised for platoon scale games means there are multiple 10 tank model battalions in the lead/plastic/resin pile. 20mm offered the attraction of 1 model tank = a battalion....there has been some project creep here following the publication of NQM.

I'd like to get the Pavia project done; I suspect it won't be in time for the anniversary (February) but hopefully before the end of the year. I'd also like to make progress on SK and the C20th projects.

One bright spot has been the VWC which continues to inspire, motivate and bring companionship and goes from strength to strength.

I had also forgotten that I'd re-kindled interest in my very old SYW and FIW projects, leading to some purchases (mostly terrain or painted figures).

So as is traditional, a parade. The Prussians:

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Year, Christmas lurgy and Pavia puzzling

The lack of posts recently has been due to contracting some kind of respiratory illness, coughing, wheezing and generally feeling tired and washed out.....typically just at the start of Chrismas leave.....

It has also resulted in a complete absence of painting!

I have been reading about the battle of Pavia......

What is clear is that there is no single coherent account of the battle; both the contemporary and modern accounts of the battle differ considerably - a point raised by Martyn in his blog as he considered how to wargame the battle.

I have found many of the modern accounts make references to "attacking the right flank" or "left flank" without a clear explanation of how this was possible given the limited maps and diagrams.

As usual, the numbers of the opposing forces differ widely and we run into the usual problems of "lances" and how many actual heavy cavalry this represents...

More problematic are issues such as where in the park walls the Imperialists broke into the Parco Viscontio; accounts differ whether it was the east or north walls which has a significant impact on the battle, or where the garrison made a sortee - I have seen both south and north east suggested.

Contemporary woodcuts, paintings and tapestries further confuse matters all choosing to show a perspective from north looking south to Pavia and distorting geography and distances.

Modern wargame reconstructions suffer from all these issues and more, not least perpetuating some common myths.

These include:

The Swiss - normally portrayed as fearsome fanatics - one rule set had a rule they never rout! In this battle their performance was lukewarm and it certainly looks like they routed in a panic at the end; perhaps Bicocca a mere three years earlier had been the high tide of ferocious behaviour.

The French and Italians seem to have played no part aside from the cavalry, artillery and some references to Gascons with the king. The cavalry in wargames are often decisive. In the real battle they seem to have been tardy in arriving and suffered from the terrain and boggy ground.

The Black Band - of which there were two present. Giovanni de Medici had been wounded (and would later die of these wounds); his unit had suffered casualties and was probably posted to the south of Pavia so played no part in the battle. The landsknechts are more problematic. They were named prior to entering French service and are often shown in black uniforms and armour. It seems the original band were supplemented by more mercenaries for an invasion of England under Richard de Pole. Thus there may have been two units - it is perhaps telling that both de Pole and Lorraine are given as leaders. Contemporary depictions do not show black uniforms, although in the Tapestries now in Naples, a few figures are so depicted....

Maps - these vary but are crucial to getting any understanding of the battle. That said, these vary considerably. This is one of the better:


Given that the park was fairly waterlogged and the attack was made at night, the tracks and roads would have been used (there is an indication they were raised). From this it s likely the Porta Pescarina and wall adjacent were the point of entry for the Imperial army (the gate on the north wall above).

Assuming the French advances also used the roads for the most part the action seems to have taken place to the east and south of the Mirabello lodge with a subsidiary action to the south around the Five Abbeys (to the east of Pavia itself).

More on numbers and OoB in a subsequent post.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Pavia Project Progress

Not the most interesting of posts but one to prove to myself I am making progress after some non-productive weekends.

This weekend I managed to clean up another 42 Landsknechts to add to the 50 done previously and 30 Gensdarmes. Not very photogenic in just the metal but until the weather allows spray priming, they will remain bare and shiny....

In actual fact, they are quicker to clean up than fully round figures. A quick going over with a scalpel, snipping of extra weapons, legs and tails, then a good quality file is all that's needed. The trickiest part are pikes and lances which usually have flash. I tend to rest them on the cutting board itself, scrape with scalpel and carefully file away from me, stopping if you get a sudden bend.



Still cannot get over the movement in these figures.

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...