Personalities of the Soldier King world

 The game comes with a minimal background; the kings are given as:

Bravance King Leonardo

Hrvatska King Zog

Argozia King Ludwig

Arcadia King Ronald

With this as a starting point, I set about populating the various Kingdoms and states with rulers and ruling families and the various nobility in each state. I relied on adaptations of Tony Bath's "Setting up a wargames campaign" which he used to populate his "Hyboria" campaign, dicing for numbers in families, gender and ages.

Each major adult character was dealt a playing card for their main trait; Hearts for love, Diamonds for wealth, Spades for honour and Clubs for war, with the value of the card determining the strength (low, moderate, high and dominant). Jokers were "wit".

This has since developed into a way of giving each character a military rating; the suits were ranked Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs with values of 1 to 4 (so war receives the highest score) and low to dominant giving another range of 1 to 4. This gives a score from 2 to 8. Mercurial wits to receive a die roll score for each battle. The idea is to give some sort of "command rating" for use in games when issuing or receiving orders.

One change was to alter "Zog" to a nickname; Zigismund (Sigismund) Otto Gotleib.

In addition to the main trait, each character received a random number of other characteristics from a percentile based chart reflecting C18th character traits. I seem to have ended up with more drunkards than musicians!

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