The World of GDW Soldier King

GDW's Soldier King is set around the mythical kingdoms of the Crimson Throne of Estavia

The boardgame allows for four kingdoms fighting over an empire without an emperor; Hrvatska, Bravance, Argozia and Arcadia. These have a colour attached to them, red, blue, green and yellow.

Taking this as the basis, I have designed the armies using the main colour as their identity and infantry coat colour.

The initial idea added a "white" army, based around Saxon and Austrian C18th armies; this became the Imperial army of Estavia, recruited from the provinces of the Hereditary Lands, the Midlands and the Bravancian March, resplendent in white with others in red, purple and scarlet.

The Empire is made up of Estavia, the Electoral states of Naervaron, Cleve, Cotlas, Bern and Banst, the non-Electoral states of Dupanen, Sinistria and Waldow.

It wasn't long before further armies were added to the project; an "Electoral army" in blues and grey, with nods to "Charge" and the "Wargame"; Banst became a progressive army based on that of Saxe's ideas clothed in green and classical helmets like his legion; Sinistria are in black with shades of the Brunswickers, Dupanen in pink (a nod to the late Otto Schmidt of Daisy) and a Swedish styled Waldow in light blue and yellow.

So far, only the main four kingdoms are painted.

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