Popular Militia (Anarchists + Socialists) with "Tiznao"
Tiznao and Schneider (as used at Alcazar of Toledo)
International Brigade (Thaelman + Mickelwicz) with T-26
German Thaelman battalion
Mickelwicz (Poles and Eastern European)
Popular Militia (Anarchists + Socialists) with "Tiznao"
Tiznao and Schneider (as used at Alcazar of Toledo)
International Brigade (Thaelman + Mickelwicz) with T-26
German Thaelman battalion
Mickelwicz (Poles and Eastern European)
Here's some of my 15mm Spanish Civil War. All original Peter Pig miniatures.
Legion Bandera
Moorish Tabors
Falange with captured tractor
As May slowly fades, I realise I have not posted recently.
The truth is, there's not that much to report!
The last two weekends disappeared in a flash without achieving anything of note; a combination of work burn out and sheer apathy!
I did however discover my Humbrol acrylics that I'd used for my SCW. There was a mix of old and slightly newer pots. I was somewhat disappointed to discover the older pots had begun to suffer ill effects to their lids, and when prying them open began to crack and in one case crumble into dust! I was relieved to find the content was still useable. The newer pots, while the lids were intact had all solidified and dried up.......
At least it gave me some replacement lids.......
Some pictures of the militia which I finished yesterday, awaiting varnish and basing.
The new painted figures are towards the front.
I spent May Day appropriately painting some 15mm Peter Pig SCW Republican militia.....
I found some undercoated figures that had been languishing in a box for probably close to 20 years......yikes!
It's been a long time since I painted 15mm. If memory serves, I used to alternate between SCW and ancients in 15mm with the 30mm Spencer Smiths (which required radically different painting techniques).
The militia had a mix of unpainted and painted figures, so it was a challenge to match what were very well painted miniatures with 3 shade layers on black undercoat......
It didn't help that I couldn't find the Humbrol acrylics I'd used for some colours...
We'll see how they turnout......
After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...