Saturday, 31 July 2021

Playing around with Contrast Paints

 So I had heard of these new "revolutionary" paints from Games Workshop (or are they now called Warhammer like the shops?)

Being of a certain age means I approach anything from GW with some trepidation, especially regarding the claims they make regarding their products, as they have something of a what can best be described as a "captive" audience who tend to buy whatever " official " release comes along.

After trawling the internet and seeing various positive and negative views, I was more swayed by actual pictures which suggested these were worth investigating, as I have been looking for speed painting methods which also give a good result for a reasonable return in effort.

I bought a range of colours, aiming for various hues that would work for C20th figures (I have since bought some greys and various colours to experiment with some large Great Rail Wars figures but that's another story.....)

So today I dug out some Platoon 20 Egyptians and Combat Syrians undercoated in white and intended for the Six Days War. They were in white as I had a vague idea of trying a brown ink wash over base colours (the Syrians were originally intended to used for Egyptians). 

Here's the result of less than 2 hours painting.

I confess I'm quite pleased with how they have turned out.
I've noticed some bits that the perfectionist in me needs to correct, but on the whole I'm impressed.

Are they "revolutionary" ? No not really; they are a highly pigmented stain or wash. You can get similar effects from most paints but it requires practice and results can vary unless you get the proportion right; these work out of the pot (although I put them onto an old tile as a palette).
You need figures with detailed undercuts and make sure you remove mould lines and clean them up properly as these will show up.

For the time and effort however, I don't think they are too bad. For C20th figures I think they work very well.

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Five Games That Made Me The Gamer I Am Today

 One that's making the rounds - from social media (which I don't do) to blogs - although some are cheating by including six!

Thought I'd have a crack so that I've posted something in the last month....


Now in it's 3rd edition and all grown up! It's what brought me back to Ancients; a chance discovery of the slim first incarnation.

Command Decision (or CD)

Played endlessly along with the modern version Combined Arms. Separation of morale and training is what made them for me. Really good troops fought better...Research books are great references whatever rules you play. Frank Chadwick 's design notes are worth reading...

Volley & Bayonet (or VnB)

A chance discovery in Caliver's catalogue purchased unseen and without prior knowledge. Taken aback by the gaudy cover but once read completely hooked, again read FC's design notes to see how you design a set of rules using a properly thought out set of parameters. Had been searching for just such a set and in an act of synchronicity came along at just the right time to launch me on my Soldier King project........I often reread them to keep the enthusiasm going.....


Heard about them and was intrigued. Bought from the late Duncan M at Partisan many years ago. Initial reaction was not great but I was still intrigued by the possibilities of a whole Panzer Division in a box file.......It was only later that I really appreciated the subtleties within the rules and their true purpose. What clinched it was the sudden realisation that I could create the ENTIRE armies of the Six Days War.....and I mean ENTIRE....I think they appeal to the megalomaniac in me.....

What I've come to realise is they make you think out of the box....that is conventional rules that get hung up on the frontal armour of Tiger tanks...

Commands and Colors (or C&C)

Initially dismissed these without any good reason. I think it was when my thoughts turned to hexes that I looked at them again combined with Tim Gow's battle reports. I think it was Martin Rapier who remarked that despite what looks like a random card generated game with apparently crude mechanisms, it contains hidden subtleties and produces games that simulate ancient battles better than more elaborate and complex sets.......It also seems to give the sort of nail biting can go either way sort of game I haven't seen since Fire and Fury......

I could pick many more, not only the aforementioned Fire and Fury but To the Strongest, Maximillian (DBA for the Italian Wars), HOTT, Great Rail Wars and Future Warriors Killzone by Grenadier.....All have and still are responsible for my adding to the lead and plastic mountain. I've just recently bought For Whom the Dice Rolls and Arriba Espana /PW for the SCW and Furioso for Italian Wars......but the above represent points where my conventional thinking changed from what I'd been wedded to before....

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...