Sunday, 15 May 2022

Mountains of Madness? (Apologies to HP Lovecraft)

After slowly plodding through another white coated Estavian regiment last weekend, I could not face painting, so finished off some more mountain pieces I had knocked up during the week after work.

After looking at the previous mountains, I realised that for any table layout for those boxes on the Soldier King map where they feature (as a pass through the mountains - naturally fortified), I really needed some corner or edge pieces......

Several blogs including Blunders on the Danube, had a Snappy Nappy campaign featuring more "natural" shaped mountains which provided some inspiration for these:

The rear face is flat designed for a table edge.

I intend covering them all in a mix of wall plaster, PVA and sand before adding a few rocks, grass and painting grey -brown (with snow capped peaks just for David).

It's odd where the hobby leads you; I've spend a few hours looking at the various artificial snow products available for convincing snow topped peaks!

Monday, 2 May 2022

Progress report

 A quick post showing the first of the Estavian Imperial army with their varnish drying.

The first is an overview of three weeks work; second multi -coloured facings of the line infantry and combined grenadiers; lastly the first Guard cavalry and line cuirassiers with another combined grenadier regiment.

As much again still to paint with artillery, staff and light troops in addition.

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...