Sunday, 23 April 2023

Several shades of grey....

Less than 50 ☺ but possibly as painful at times!

Last week saw me struggle through the army of the Prince Bishopric of Cleve, the final contingent for the Electoral Army. For some reason, they were hard going, but with the glue still drying on their bases, the military might parades in review before the Prince Bishop and his brother.

This completes the Electoral army and means that until I clean up and undercoat the next batch, I have no Spencer Smiths ready to paint, so will probably do something else. Hopefully, with a break, I will feel more enthusiastic about painting Spencer Smiths!

The next army is likely to be that of Waldow which have a very Swedish vibe to them.

Additional - a Grand Parade! The Electoral Army in all its glory!

Right Wing

Left wing

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Bern baby Bern!

My apologies for the title of this post; it has been swirling around my head since starting the army. I was thinking more of music than civil rights when it popped into my head. However, judging by the psychedelic flags they have ended up with, I may have been thinking 1960s rather than 1970s disco!

They ended up as improvised on the spot when I realised I would need a third colour in the border; unfortunately, one had already been painted so it was too late to go back an alter it to merge with the others. I was working from what I thought was "the plan" for flag patterns when after drawing and painting them, found another version in a notebook.......always check all your sources! Even for imaginary armies! I have rationalised it as another earlier pattern. It would have allowed just two colours to be used and would have tied them together. Sigh! Never mind. There was no way I was going back to redo them; such things happen.

The flags are based on the heraldry. Parti per pale Orange tawny and Azure, a shield Or charged with a griffon Sable.

The Duke and his brother, the Erzfurst (who appears in his natural state in the page on the Soldier King campaign).

The army arrayed and the infantry manoeuvring to show off their flags.

And finally, just for Jonathan, a picture of the sketches for the next Electoral contingent, the Prince Bishopric of Cleve showing ideas for uniforms and flags.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Bern begins.....

Progress on the Electoral forces with the first of the Bern Ducal contingent, two infantry regiments and the hussar squadron. 

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...