Monday, 19 February 2024

The limitations of Artificial Intelligence

Sgt Steiner's Wargaming blog ( had an intriguing post where he has explored what AI thinks of his blog. His results were more encouraging than mine!

In answer to the question "what is the aufklarungsabteilung blog" it said:

"The Aufklarungsabteilung blog appears to be a platform that discusses various military topics, particularly related to the German military. The blog covers subjects such as the role of the Aufklärungs-Abteilung (reconnaissance battalion) in different historical contexts, including World War II. It also delves into hobbyist interests, such as creating and playing with miniature figurines and models related to military units like the Panzer scouts and reconnaissance battalions. The content seems to focus on historical research, military modeling, and related hobbies. related to the German military."

Err....not quite. I've never discussed AA in either WW2 or the Bundeswehr. I picked the name on the spur of the moment. My WW2 researches identified the AA as a particularly interesting and very German organisation, primarily recce but with enough teeth to fight if necessary.

The follow up question "what is the type of content of aufklarungsabteilung blog"? In response it answered:

"The Aufklarungsabteilung blog features content related to military history, particularly focusing on the role of the Aufklärungs-Abteilung (reconnaissance battalion) in various historical contexts. The blog covers topics such as the equipment, tactics, and experiences of reconnaissance battalions, including their role as the "eyes and ears" of military divisions. Additionally, the blog discusses hobbyist interests, such as creating and playing with miniature figurines and models related to military units like the Panzer scouts and reconnaissance battalions. "

Oh dear! It seems to be very focussed on "Aufklarungsabteilung" ; I'm worried that I"m beginning to sound like I'm fixated on WW2 Germans.....especially the footnotes. One takes me to my blog, the second Warlord on creating AA , the 3rd SS AA (oh dear!) and the last the DAK AA (better!)

A look at posts shows by far the most frequent is Soldier King, followed by Arab- Israeli...
Nothing on AA or WW2 Germans......

Perhaps I should have called it the Soldier King blog! ☺

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Minor gains...

Carrying on the "East (Midlands) Front" metaphor, the front has advanced a very short distance....

Carrying on with the Jordanians, the M47s received turret brackets from the wire found in telephone / Ethernet cables; very thin copper wire covered in plastic insulation. I used the same on the M48s having obtained some from an old internet cable.

The wire however didn't want to stay in place / stick! The M47 turret is an odd shape and the brackets are in pairs, but each side is different / asymmetric. My old superglue had gone thick which I thought might actually help; a couple of brackets kept pinging off. Even the normally reliable Revell Contacta Liquid Special was of no use. Perhaps I should have gone for quick dry epoxy. No matter, they were glued again with thick super glue and when set got some thinner super glue which seems to have worked. I will probably add some Green Stuff stowage.

Two models had lost the bow MGs; replacements were fashioned from wire with a little foil wrapped around. There's not a lot more to do with the M47s; turret MGs, jerrycans and some tarpaulins seem the extent of additions to Jordanian models.

As mentioned, I attempted to obtain some M52 SPH from Germany; Trident made a resin 1:87 version. Unfortunately, despite allowing me to add to the basket, they were unavailable. I found one in the USA, but postage was prohibitively expensive.

I have therefore accepted I will have to put up with my bodged version despite its faults. I added some stowage and will add further details.

Monday, 12 February 2024

All quiet on the East (Midlands) Front....

As the title says really.....the absence of blog posts is linked to a general lack of activity and if honest apathy.

Only managed to get back into doing things in the last couple of weekends, prior to that a few just slipped away. Even when actually doing something, it seems all too soon before it all has to be packed away before Monday and the desk becomes a workstation.

So, what have I managed to do? Well a spot of modelling and much distraction......

The modelling has involved the Jordanian army of 1967. Mostly infantry, they did field two armoured brigades, some independent tank battalions and possibly a mechanised brigade (the Royal Guard - did not see action - possibly Centurion battalion and one or two M113 mech inf).

The M-48s have had some remedial work; I was never happy with the jetisonable fuel tanks - these were altered to be level instead of sloping downwards. Some tiny details were added and this improved them no end. I then had a go at adding the MGs to the commander cupola. First attempt wasn't quite right, so after some googling for photos, a second attempt was made. Not 100% accurate, but better than attempt 1.

The M47s were glued together and a start was made to add details, beginning with the turret rails (from wire). Frustrating and accompanied by much swearing!

I also discovered the M113 I had put aside needed to be swapped; it seems those in Jordanian service removed the rubber track guards and the front shield - at least all the photos I could find showed this.

Finally, I added some bits to the scratch-bodged M52 SPH. While probably good enough, I was still not happy as the turret is wrong and too tall. Today I managed to find resin versions on United-Fun so have ordered a pair - fingers crossed!

What else? Well distractions.....

Already led astray by the nostalgia for the unfinished F&I War stuff, it led inexorably towards the SYW.....

Way back when, it had been a collaborative project. I really wanted to do Austrians, but ended up building French (to face my opponent's British) and Prussian (or pseudo-Prussian being built out of a generic musketeer and dragoon with dedicated Fusileer and Grenadier figs all lacking command and commercially unavailable). The Austrians had taken a back seat with only a few units completed.

Since then, I had acquired Russians and proper Prussians and even some Prussians to use as Saxons and wanted to restart the project. Existing units were built for WRG 1685-1845, 12-16 inf 8-12 cav. Debated VnB but as attractive as that sounded, it felt like a duplication of the Imagi-Nations project....

An impulsive purchase on eBay of some painted Hinchliffe Austrians has tipped the balance.....added to what I have, it will give the Austrian army a boost. The painter had done something close to my style but had left some bits undone (neck cloth and pom-pom). I therefore did a bit of researching to see which units they could become...

Flags and bases will need redoing, but with some touch-ups will be ready for action sooner than bare metal......

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...