Sunday, 17 January 2021

Long time no speak? So what's been happening?

I cannot believe my last post was in November!

Rather than let the blog's progress fall by the wayside, I thought it opportune to post something on my own blog.

Throughout the pandemic I have been "working from home"; as such I regard myself as more fortunate than many who have lost their jobs. The opportunity for furlough has not been available, which is a mixed blessing.  The upside is financial certainty, but it's with a certain amount of envy that I see the amount of time available for painting that some people have reported! However, I'm aware that being on furlough is not a choice and carries a lot of uncertainty. For me, it has felt like I have never been as busy, which saps motivation at weekend's. 

I had hoped to use the Christmas break to get some painting done, but alas, it was not to be. A combination of post work lethargy, illness and the toll of lockdown put paid to that. I still have not shook off whatever cold/ flu bug I managed to pick up (despite rarely venturing outside).

All I managed to do was tackle some more Arab-Israeli 1/87. I converted / scratched / bodged 2x M52 SPGs for the Jordanian armoured brigades. But, despite trying to convince myself, I wasn't happy with them. I could live with them being slightly too tall in the turret but it wasn't long enough. Looking at what bits I had, I set to reluctantly extended the turret. In the end they turned out OK but are unlikely to win any prizes for modelling. I still kick myself for not picking up some resin versions I saw on eBay. At the time, the cost, with shipping from the USA was prohibitive and I convinced myself to do things on the cheap and maybe use the under scale Eko / Arii (and others) version, but it's more like 1/100 and looks too small.

For reasons best known to myself, I have decided to create more M50 and M51 upgunned Shermans; I had 2x diecast 47 degree hull M4 so turned them into one of each. They have come out OK; I also added the ring and haversacks around the rear turrets of the previously done M50s. Emboldened by this, I'm contemplating another 47 degree M51 and an M4a1 M50 with the rounded cast hull. I still have 3x M1 Super Sherman with 76mm gun to convert in addition. I invested in the Tom Gammon "Israeli Shermans" reprint which is well worth the high price.

Pictures when the light improves.

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...