Monday, 29 May 2023

Black dog instead of black undercoat.......

Best laid plans for the long bank holiday weekend did not, alas, survive contact with reality.....

I set myself a realistic goal, but despite taking Friday off, was unable to apply myself until very late in the day, and then it was forcing myself to do something......anything in fact.

I set to cleaning up more Spencer Smith plastics for Waldow; a happy discovery was that I had already tackled the cavalry. For the uninitiated, cleaning up these figures involves removing various degrees of flash and mould line running right around the figure. Some have access plastic (horses mostly) where the moulds were worn. This has to be done with a fresh scalpel blade; when you start getting "furring" or resistance it's time to change the blade. Fortunately, having worked in the medical profession, I acquired a lot of sterile expired scalpel blades and some disposable scalpels which I have been using over the years. I have lots of blades that are still perfectly serviceable after use, just not on the plastics.

It is laborious, tedious and unrewarding work. Despite wanting to crack on with it, I found myself struggling due to my mood. Come Saturday, I awoke with fresh enthusiasm and with the aid of podcasts, worked through to the point where they were cleaned, casting holes filled and flagpoles glued in place. Only two Grenadier drummers and four light infantry required head swaps.

My plan was to put on a coat of varnish to seal them before undercoating, which I managed. Unfortunately, while Saturday had been ideal weather, Sunday was cloudy and windy so no black spray.......

I still thought I'd manage to do something else, but the enthusiasm and positive mindset completely evaporated and I've found myself fighting off depressive thoughts - Churchill's Black Dog.  It's been a while since I've been so visited. I suspect it's because work has been so busy, not helped by someone recently retiring at two years earlier than I will be able to!

So I plod along dreaming of retirement or even a modest lottery win!

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Banst in black

Fine weather yesterday allowed some undercoating with a rattle can car primer. Having only located one, I could tell it might be tight an so it proved to be, with it expiring just after the first two sides of the last tranche. Thought I had more, but probably not. One for the shopping list.

Anyway, as normal, they were finished off with brushed on black acrylic where the spray didn't reach.

the Elector of Banst and his forces in their box file awaiting painting.

I have the urge to spend the rest of the day reviewing the hordes of 15mm I have acquired over the years for the Great Italian Wars 1494 - 1544.

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Slow but steady progress

The Banst army received a coat of varnish prior to undercoating (to give a surface to bind to) and I tackled the artillery. I had swapped heads and added some greenstuff, but it didn't look right. I was aiming for something like the American / French dragoon helmet meets a Tarleton. Ended up adding more greenstuff until I got something like I was after.

Here are the crews with guns (barrels to be added after painting as already bronze) and team to form the "flying artillery" - early horse artillery . Next to them are the amusettes with scratch-built mobile pavaisse / carriage.

Surplus heads were used on donor bodies to make citizen militia / rebels. I also played around converting some Spencer Smith Napoleonic figures. Militia in coat (from Garde Grenadier in greatcoat) and a pandour (from highlander) - aiming for a figure in long white shirt / tunic, waistcoat, skull cap and tight leggings a bit like Greek Evzones costume.

Monday, 8 May 2023

More head surgery....

 Following on from the last post, more head swaps, this time the cavalry and artillery....

So 8x dragoons, 6x artillery crew, 4x amusette crew with the donors becoming 15x civilian militia / rebels (the additional due to over zealous use of track cutters which chopped through the head resulting in another donor body).

The donors were Napoleonic Bavarian / Wurtemburg (helmets) and ACW all Spencer Smiths.

In addition, 4x hussars (unconverted) and another 3x lancers (helmets shaped from Czapska) were added. All required removal of mould lines / flash with sharp scalpel, where heads swapped, pins were inserted and cut down before gluing with excess glue and plastic removed and cut down. All but amusette crew had greenstuff added and shaped before liquid greenstuff used to smooth out conversions and necks.

Managed a particularly bloody scalpel accident when it slipped down out of my grasp and ended up in the ball of my thumb cutting a blood vessel which bled profusely. After this wore anti-cut gloves on both hands, including one holding the scalpel!

After this some may wonder whether it's me who requires the head surgery!

Monday, 1 May 2023

A chopping of heads....

Taking advantage of the long bank holiday weekend, I sat down determined to do something. After endless Spencer Smith painting I wanted to do something different, but whatever I dug out just didn't appeal. Fighting off apathy and low mood (if I don't make use of my time off I find I'm prone to slipping into depressive thoughts) I forced myself to get on with something.....anything!

Despite wanting to do something different, I found my mind is still stuck in Soldier King mode, so gave in to where what little enthusiasm I had was residing.

Pulling the next box file off the pile I found was Banst. An Imperial Electoral state, this one has diverged slightly. The Elector has turned out to be militarily gifted but not well disposed to his neighbours (there is some hint of a scandalous past). I decided this army would be very loosely modelled on De Saxe's ideas: there would be legions in classical helmets, dragoons and lancers. The uniforms would be green, buff and red.

The downside, is that unfortunately, almost every figure would need to be converted....

The origins lie in when the idea came of representing each state in the game to include the neutral provinces, I simply didn't have enough figures of the standard types and poses. What I did have were some spare figures: lancers and Napoleonic cavalry in helmet, plus some later Spencer Smith figures (not the Barry Minot Connoisseur) of a smaller stature, including light infantry, grenadiers and highlanders. I'd bought unseen from Peter Johnstone.

The idea came to use these "leftovers" . Part of me however, rebelled and I thought it would not quite fit. As time went on, I have been able to acquire more plastic Spencer Smiths and hit on the idea of head conversions, as Peter Johnstone has done with the replacement metal Spencer Smiths. I have used the grenadier in mitre for some of the Electoral army. The army of Banst makes use of the light infantry head. Grenadiers in fur cap were decapitated and a replacement head added with painfully inserted pins. Here they are awaiting glue. A sole experimental skirmisher stands at front (from Napoleonic grenadier). Just for Jonathan, the crude sketches and some other inspiration material sits behind them.

A belated welcome to some new followers who have joined in the last few weeks. I hope you find something of interest.

Soldier King project update

After much lethargy, distractions and a lack of focus, I have attempted to get my wargaming mojo back by concentrating on part-completed pro...