Sunday 13 October 2024

T'Other Partizan

Flying visit to Partizan today. Only spent about 2 1/4 hours there, so it was a bit of a rush to go around trade stands , photograph games and anything else.

I confess I spent most of my time there having a very enjoyable chat with David Barnes of The Ragged Soldier" blog:

It was nice to finally meet David in person, especially after the last time when I accosted his body double who reacted in  no uncertain fashion! We had a good old chat waiting for David's friends to arrive.

I will post a selection of photos; when I arrived it was extremely busy - I cannot say I have ever seen it that crowded before - hence it was quite difficult to get photos and several were not very well signed so it was difficult to identify them - the lack of a hard copy floor plan doesn't help. Some listed games I never saw and many I saw did not appear to be listed on the floorplan! Once upon a time they used to give you such bands this time so how they policed it I cannot say.

All Hell Let Loose 6mm Omaha D-Day

Not Quite Mechanised Tunisia - hoped to have a chat with Chris but was fully engaged in chatting each time I passed.

Old Pikey's Hell's Highway with intriguing paper buildings

Forest Outlaws French & Indian War March on Montreal 1760

The very busy and at times noisy Morris & Chums Battle of 5 Armies from the Hobbit

League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers Lutzen TYW 1632 with burning town

Simon Miller To the Strongest Wars Louis XIV

Yarkshire Gamer Italian Wars relief of Forli

Bramley Barn Wargames Club RCW


Like a Stonewall Poltava Redoubts Great Norther War

Chesterfield Old Boys Oudenarde (?) Marlburian

I have tried to credit where I could work out who had put on the game and what it was, there were others I took photos of which I simply cannot attribute to period or players.

Apart from the crowds and lack of adequate signs or paper floorplan, there was a startling absence of castles this year.....some city walls was it.....perhaps they got the memo or decided everyone will do a castle so let's be different....
A lot of C20th and Horse and Musket, some fantasy but only one ancients game. I'm sure there were many others I simply missed in my rush.

Purchases were minimal - casualty bases and some 20mm French for Syria 1941


  1. Very good representation on what was on show, Neil. Thanks! Good to see you meeting up with DB for a chat. A fine fellow that I have hosted at the remote gaming table many a time.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, I'm sure there was a lot more I missed. Some games I simply didn't think photogenic enough - there was a Kriegspeil game which was a period map, some very small games and some fantasy that were a bit poor if I'm honest. There was supposed to be a SYW game, but I never saw it. Some games were so busy with people playing or watching it was difficult to get a clear photo.
      It didn't help that when I took the photos it was either really crowded or I was in a rush.
      I had a nice chat with David, which is probably the best bit of shows - the social side.

  2. Hi Neil, very nice to meet you today and have a good old chat - I should have bought you a coffee or something! Great to 'put a face to the name' and impressed that you worked out who I was ( among a hall full of follically challenged gents of a certain age.. its getting like the Phil Collins lookalike club )
    It was a pretty good show once the crowds subsided a bit(!) and I think I got round most of it - your pics are good, shame I didn't see the Yarkshire Gamer table, looks really nice! I thought the Lutzen game and the Marlburians ( actually I think that was the Dutch attack at Malplaquet? ) were pretty good too. Thanks again, and a great pleasure to meet you!

  3. David, the pleasure was mine.
    I recognised you from either the blogger meet at Salute or a Rejects snap of you. Your "doppelganger" was uncannily like you!
    when I introduced myself, I did have the thought for a moment I had approached the same chap! ☺
    I had intended just to go along at 1 but when I saw you I thought it was too opportune as we were in a quiet spot.
    I had about 42 photos when I got home + what seems to be either a pocket photo or a thumb over the lens. I then tried to work out what was what. I thought it was Oudenarde because it popped into my head when I saw the woods - now you mention Malplaquet I'm thinking there were woods there as well! ☺
    Not really my period - I think it's down just as WSS, but I'm sure they had a sign on the table.
    There were 2x Vietnam games - don't know which this was.
    I'm sure I could have spent more if I'd stayed.

  4. Some cracking looking games on show there Neil, nice to see some Horse and Musket games, right up my street!

    1. Thanks Donnie. I'd estimate there were probably as many H&M games as C20th. Apart from the Poltava game (which was very sparse) most had lots of figures. Previous years, it seems figure density played second fiddle to castle dioramas.

  5. I popped along for a couple of hours in the afternoon, sorry to have missed you. It was still pretty busy then, but I managed to have a long chat with Chris Kemp re various questions I had arising from my NQM solo games and we gamed them out, so a very useful trip. I didn't pay much attention to the games as nearly all of them were the same as earlier in the year.

    1. Martin, I left about 1:45 as I was depending on my wife for a lift. There were still people arriving, although it had thinned out considerably from 11:30 when it was very busy (even with a stream of people leaving). It must have been close to capacity at 12.
      Chris was fully engaged in chatting both times I walked past.

  6. That does sound super rushed but glad it was enjoyable.
    It’s cool when bloggers are able to meet face to face. 😀

  7. Stew, yes, could have done with a little longer. It seems I missed about a third of the games at the far end of the hall!
    It was offset by being able to have a long chat with David.


T'Other Partizan

Flying visit to Partizan today. Only spent about 2 1/4 hours there, so it was a bit of a rush to go around trade stands , photograph games a...