Sunday, 17 March 2024

New (old) *secret* project...

To elaborate on the somewhat confusing title......I have been busy with a *new* project; that is an *old* project but with a new twist........confused? Let me explain.....

There are many projects that I wish "to do", sadly ambition outstrips time. I'm hoping if I make retirement I will have time for them all....

This project is a long standing "to do"; indeed hesitant steps were made in 15mm but it stalled and grew and grew....

I'm approaching it from a completely left field angle to try again; I'm hoping, no trying to keep it manageable this time.

So why the *secret*? Well I'm not sure if it will work out as it in theory requires different techniques and I don't know if my skills are good enough! 

So, it's currently "in development" which doesn't mean just buying stuff, but actually requires preparation and work which I've completed this weekend, or rather made a significant start on. This time, I'm keeping it small - max 6 armies with a lot of generic components. Already have a game on which to base a campaign, have various rules I can use and plenty of source material.......

Intrigued? More next time.......hopefully........☺


  1. Intrigued? Yes. Puzzled? Definitely!

  2. I wanted to update the blog as I've been busy all weekend.
    However, the new project will be a bit of an experiment; there are paints I've never used and some others that I haven't used for a long time and they will all need a "different" approach .
    If it turns into a disaster the next post could be very short!

  3. Very intrigued, nothing like a good mystery!! Hopefully everything works out for you.

  4. good luck with the new old project. I got something similar in the wings for when I finish with these wooden wars flats.
    though I won't be as secretive.... I'm an open book of failures. 😁

  5. Thanks Stew. My problem is I have little to show at present.
    I guess some of my hesitancy stems from it being a bit of a butterfly "oh shiny" was a rough week at work....and well I thought....why not?
    Then afterwards, the reality of "what do I do with it now?" kicked in, with some regrets . Then I had an idea and it snowballed and I found myself enthusiastic about approaching an old idea from a different direction.....

  6. "There are many projects that I wish "to do", sadly ambition outstrips time. I'm hoping if I make retirement I will have time for them all...."
    I have the same problems Niel, I have to force myself not to buy stuff. Just to rub it in 15 days of 4 hours left at work😀.


  7. Willz, lucky b***er! It seems you can be affluent and time poor or the other way around.....

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing your secret project, Neil. I hope it takes off as you'd like. Best of luck.

    1. Thanks Iain. Initial trials are looking promising; hopefully I'll be organised enough to get some photos up by next weekend. Currently unsure about base sizes.....


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