Sunday, 3 November 2024

Pavia inspiration and a trip to Fiasco

Last weekend saw a trip to the Fiasco wargames show and the Royal Armouries in Leeds.

Fiasco was disappointing; the games were mostly small with a lot of fantasy and sci-fi, the venue itself (across from the Armouries) a bit gloomy. Trade stands were OK and I came away with some paints and brushes. I noted a couple of tables where games had failed tom turn up (never a good look) but on the whole it had more of the feel of a club night.

While I have complained about large demonstration games, this was the opposite, small niche games or 5mm /15mm often on plain cloth. The biggest was a Battletech game with very nice scenery.

I think somewhere in between club type games and elaborate demonstration games is the answer with some of the others mixed in. At least a lot appeared to be participation.

The only temptation was Anschluss' 1:144 armour, but I resisted.

Naval landing skirmish

Cthulu Mountains of Madness


Castles in the Sky Agean sky battle

What a Cowboy

Cold War turns Hot

Battletech Big Red Button

The Armouries was busy, and a bit dark for photos. A lot of reflected light.



  1. Visiting the armory is a perfect inspiration for a Pavia project. The motion present in the pikemen is more art than a diorama of warfare. Terrific display. Could you discern the intricate pattern on the pavise?

    1. There is a good photo of this in the Armouries catalogue.
      It's 15th century, from Zwickau.

  2. Thanks Jonathan,

    The Pavise is quite faded it looks to be St George and the Dragon.
    I snapped a few pics of the pavises - unfortunately on another device. I can forward you them next week (if I remember). They were all quite faded.

  3. Great photos from the Armouries and should feed your Pavie project nicely. Shame about the show though.

    1. Thanks Donnie.
      The show perhaps the most accurate description.

  4. I haven't been to Fiasco for years, but it was often very dark and gloomy in there. Sounds like I was saved a trip this year as well! The Armouries are always a good day out though.

  5. The last time I went they had a room in the armouries.

  6. Great photos Neil, thanks for sharing.


  7. Thanks Willz. Sadly very little C18th apart from weapons.

  8. Sorry the games were disappointing, though the ones pictured don't look bad. If i had to choose between club style small games and massive multiplayer games I think I'd choose the former as being more manageable. Most games over 6 players is kinda a waste anyway.
    The armory is cool. I like it.

  9. Thanks Stew.
    I did picture the more photogenic games ☺
    I guess if you were looking to play (as most US gamers approach conventions) as oppose to just look and be inspired, then the games may be of interest. Sadly I don't have a huge attraction to most skirmish games. I didn't see much to inspire either....
    The armories is cool....

  10. Shame the show was a bit disappointing - as you say, somehwre between the small 'club night' gane and the huge spectacular, lies the perfect show game..
    Armouries look great though, that tableau of knights and landsknects especially!

    1. Thanks David. The Pavia display is impressive. The Yarkshire Gamer has been trying to persuade them to allow him to stage a wargame refight on the anniversary next year without much success....

  11. Shame about the show Neil… As has been said the last time I was at Fiasco the show was in a room in the Armouries…

    I do however enjoy a trip to the Armouries.

    All the best. Aly

  12. Thanks Aly. I was surprised as the YG advocates " big games" and had one at Partizan. Empty tables are never a good look.


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