Sunday, 30 July 2023

Slow but steady progress..

Considered tackling the lead rot problem as the brass, steel and nylon brush set turned up, but the will was lacking.

Aimed to tackle the IDF para brigade mounted in halftracks, but got side tracked if you'll forgive the pun, into finishing some bits on the SP 120mm mortar halftracks. Only got as far as cleaning the paratrooper figures, but ran out of time to work on their transport. 


  1. Side-tracked halftracks is a good one.

  2. Completely unintentional; it was only as I was typing it out!

  3. Accidental pins are sometimes the best.
    Isn’t there some blogging rule about using the same title over and over? Lol.
    Slow and steady and all that. 😀

  4. Yeah you got me - however mindless repetition sums up my life at the moment.......☺


So what I have I been up to...

Well, as per last post, I have attempted to remain focussed on the Solder King Imagi-Nations project. It has been difficult as I find myself...