Sunday, 29 November 2020

Army of Bravance


I have only included the Guard Cavalry, Line Infantry and 2 Field Artillery batteries to see if the photos turn out. There are more line cavalry, Emigre Infantry, a Freikorps of infantry, light infantry, dragoons and lancers as well as more artillery and staff. King Leonardo can be seen encouraging the troops.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. The inspiration was the Prussian FK ("double blues"), with a variation by reversing the colours. The artillery are similar to Bavarians.
      The main aim is to incorporate "blue" somewhere in the uniform.

  2. They look great! I take these are Spencer-Smiths? I think I really should get some too, they are a lovely 'old school' style.

  3. David,
    They are indeed Spencer Smiths - the original plastics - only available from the likes of eBay nowadays.
    The range is available in metal with some additions, conversions from the original plastics. The move was made as the original moulds were "shot" - it shows on some of the later plastic figures.
    What I would say, if you do get some, be prepared for a different style of painting. The plastics need a lot of flash removing and can resist paint unlike any other figure I have known! I coat mine in acrylic varnish before undercoating.
    I use a black undercoat and block colours leaving a black line between areas (belts, turnbacks, waistcoat etc.) It's stylised but works as you have to paint on any details apart from the barest hint of say a strap.
    You can paint on more detail, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Suggestions of lace are enough to make the elite stand out.


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