Saturday, 5 November 2022

Milestone on the road of progress

Finally finished the last two personalities (technically there's another plus a "maybe" both Hussar officers) for Estavia.

At times the army has been a bit of a slog, although at other times a breeze. Not sure if it's painting all that white!

What's odd is that I have been looking forward to painting this army for a while, way back when I started the project. I remember that this army and the Arcadian one was what I'd looked forwards to with anticipation. Instead of  doing what I really wanted, I instead made myself work through the other armies.

Finishing the Arcadians was quick, so I'd thought it would be the same with the Estavian army; I'm an admirer of the Austrian and Saxon armies of the C18th, so looked forwards to what is probably my favourite SK army (although of course you are not supposed to have favourites when running a campaign). The reality was I flagged a bit with lots of correcting where I'd gone wrong.

Anyway, flags, final varnishing, basing and labels left to do. Some pictures of the assembled personalities / General Staff awaiting varnish.


  1. Excellent work. I look forward to the imaginations campaign. There was a campaign mechanism in the ACW scenario book for V&B if I recall. Could be ported and hacked perhaps?

  2. Darren,
    the campaign in the ACW book was based on "A House Divided" the ACW boardgame by GDW with minor adaptations .
    "Soldier King" by GDW used the same mechanisms, with linked boxes and transportation lines allowing different movement rates (highways, minor roads etc.)
    Way back when, on the old VnB discussion group, the ACW game and campaign were discussed and the use of Soldier King as a campaign generator was discussed.
    The result can be found here:

    Although I supplied Martin SC with the rules and map (which he left on a bus and lost!) which he adapted for the version found on the site, I disagreed with some of his ideas around states and size of armies so we developed different backgrounds. Some of his adaptations are useful. Interestingly, he indicated the trial campaign involved too large armies which became slogging matches. He had never played the game as a boardgame.


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