Friday, 30 December 2022

Progress report

A quick update on painting progress for the first of the Electoral Army, units of Naervaron.

We have the Erbprinz Leibgarde, modelled on the Erbprinz Regiment from "Charge". Instead of Stadden 30mm, these are Spencer Smith plastic grenadiers with a mitre cap from the later ranges and added Green Stuff.

Next a line regiment "Weiss".

And finally the Erbprinz himself, Christian Fischreiher.


  1. Good additions! Just in time to muster out for the New Year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Jonathan. I'd like to get this contingent finished by the end of next week. Two more infantry, one medium cavalry, one hussars, a gun and crew plus three generals / personalities (19 foot, 9 mounted and a gun).

  4. Looking forward to seeing these mounted for V&B. I'm currently re-basing all my 15mm SYW, and touching up the 3"x3" ACW plastics for V&B - considering doing 3 days of Gettysburg at Easter

  5. Darren,
    I may flag and base them independently from the rest of the Electoral Army.


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