Sunday, 2 July 2023

Struck by lethargy (again!)

Yet again a weekend slips away without much to show for it.

Various project boxes came out, only to be put away again as I simply didn't get even a glimmer of inspiration.....

I ended up sorting out F&I War American militia into units from the various Rafm packs I have, splitting up packs here and there to distribute command figures and a mix of rank and file. 

I also worked out how to distribute the command figures for the French Canadian militia - the 3 painted Rafm units need a new Rafm command figure and I have acquired some Minifigs (including 9 very nicely painted) from eBay.

The plan was to also clean some figures up with a view to priming and painting using Contrast paints, but alas none of that happened.


  1. Even a little sorting out counts as progress. You’re probably still more productive than me!

  2. As JBM says, counting and figuring stuff out is progress. Must get the project requirements squared away before painting can begin in earnest.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement chaps!
    I still feel like I could have been more productive but the mojo wasn't there....

  4. Neil,

    You’ve certainly managed to do more than I have recently, and no doubt your spell of lethargy will soon end.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob, just couldn't seem to apply myself. Normally, I can get on with something and that is enough to break the apathy, but not this weekend!

  5. Good thing it’s a hobby and not something important. 😀

  6. You will have a bit of a nod, hobby wise, and come up with something brilliant no doubt. I think most of us suffer from it one time or another.


Inability to focus

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