Sunday, 30 June 2024

Plodding Pavia Project Progress

Slow progress. Last weekend saw no painting achieved, despite having some more Zinnfiguren cleaned and primed. Instead, there was lots of mulling about colours and sorting out "the room", which doubles as an office and workroom, moving the printer where it can now be accessed (for some scanning); the downside is the paints are more difficult to get to.....

Not sure if it was a bit of painter's block or just worn out by work, or a combination of the two....

My "mulling" over colours led to a decision to incorporate some blue. I also decided to concentrate on just the pikes, take my time and enjoy painting rather than hammer away to get everything that's primed painted.....

So the results of yesterday and today.......more Swiss Reislaufer.....

Still need a little work, flesh and metal highlights, perhaps some feather work, definitely less of a chore.


  1. Very nice! Adding blue is a good idea. What is the uniform plate book in the background. Looks familiar but cannot place it.

  2. Thought I recognized those plates. I have that book as well.

  3. This is a right treat for me after a week off I am back to work today and so it is really nice to see more of your lovely figures, the pikemen look great, super addition to your lovely collection.

    1. Thanks for the kind comments Donnie!
      I took a bit more time with this batch and tried to copy some colour combinations from the illustrations.
      They looked a bit rough with the Contrast and then AP wash and it was only when I retouched / highlighted the main colours that they looked presentable.

  4. Troops look good to me! Sometimes getting started is the hardest thing. 😀

  5. Thanks Stew! Yes it's very easy to prevaricate....
    I'm finding this new technique revolutionary in increasing painting speed without compromising the look I want. It is akin to when I discovered using black undercoat back in the 1980s (way before it and the Dallimore method was popular).
    I have experimented with washes and black washes but never got anything but a mess!
    With all these products (AP or ink washes, AP speed varnish, Contrast paints) I think it is about using them to give a basic figure onto which highlights raise the appearance.

  6. Looking good Neil…
    Plodding progress is better than none at all…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I think with the last lot I painted too many in one go and got "burnt out". With them I just did random colour mixes, these are a bit more planned....

  7. Well done Neil, they look great. I sometimes get "painted out" too, and have to take a break, or at least just do a couple fun things.

  8. Thanks Martin. I usually try to alternate between two very different projects (it used to be SSM Soldier King, 15mm SCW, 15mm DBA ancients then SSM and 1:87), but have been working on the flats solidly. Need to mix it up!

  9. Look very nice Niel, I had a two week burst of painting finishing 3 battalions but today it took me all day to paint the first colour on 16 Spencer Smith's. I have 24 Spanish I want to paint white but I can't be bothered. So it affects us all, when this happens to me I tidy up and dust my room.


  10. Willz, it's an odd thing and very frustrating when you work for a living, as the time is precious. Not using that time seems a waste.
    But if the muse is not there.....
    I sometimes force myself to paint; it either overcomes the block or if it just isn't working, makes me down tools on the realisation it's not going to happen!

  11. Splendid and colourful looking figures.

  12. Thanks Peter. The Swiss Cantonal colours make for striking combinations!

  13. Slow progress is still progress!
    I love the colours!

  14. Thanks Tim. I've tried to use the colours of the Cantonal flags. This time I used combinations from the reference book which seems to be based on reinactors.


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