Sunday, 24 July 2022


 After a hectic weekend last week (visit by some friends and clearing out the hobby room / office in preparation for a new work desk) I'd hoped to be able to knuckle down and make some progress on the hobby front.

Sadly a combination of fatigue from work (and coping with 40 degree heat), cores and from last weekend, meant I did not make as much progress as hoped.

I did however recover my electric drill / Dremel style tool from the depths of the garage which allowed me to drill holes in the IDF Sherman turrets for MGs and aerials. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the plastic ties I intended to use for aerials so had to order some more from eBay (they are the plastic locking ties used for tags on clothing they come with something that looks very much like the base of an aerial).

I was unsure about how I was going to fix the MGs, but after hunting around have found just enough Roco parts. Ideally I'd like something stronger, but couldn't find a way to do it using plastic MGs. I could perhaps use metal, so have parked things to stop me rushing into an impetuous solution while I think about it.

Here's the current fleet of IDF M50 and M51 Shermans waiting for MGs, aerials and searchlights on about 4.


  1. Any progress is progress, my friend. Have you tried making aerials by heating and then pulling apart a plastic sprue until it is the proper thickness?

  2. Jon,
    Goodness me! The "stretched sprue" method takes me back to my early days of modelling. Melting plastic over a candle flame is up there with heating a screwdriver to join soft plastic tracks for most potentially hazardous hobby activity (let alone inhaling the resulting fumes)!
    I have no doubt some modellers achieved wonderful results, but mine were never that good.
    What I'm talking about are similar to these, but in black:


  3. Progress is progress as JF says. Sometimes I go a whole week with doing anything. I mean I always want to but family comes first; until I get sick of them. 😝

  4. The tanks look great. Using those plastic ties for clothes at shops is inspired!
    Regards, James


Inability to focus

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