Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Reflections on Soldier King project

With work crazy busy, some "relaxation" has been gained by painting at the weekends.

This weekend saw me make a start on the Imperial Estavian artillery. Gunners in red faced light purple (that colour again!) with guns in white with red metal work and spokes, based on a historical scheme. This was found on the excellent "My Seven Years War" blog:


The inspiration being Hesse Cassel:


Christian's blog has been a source of much inspiration, his flat figures being used in VnB first edition games.

I managed to finish three guns and nine gunners with considerable effort. I confess my enthusiasm is flagging. A small bit of reflection lead to the thought I was getting close to finishing the army. This produced some motivation and had me planning the staff and personalities. 

Then the realisation of the other armies planned; I even wondered if I should drop the other armies and just complete five? Can I face more Spencer Smiths?

Today I was idly googling "Estavia" and it took me to David's "Ragged Soldier" blog:


I found his post about using Soldier King and my post in response. A quick search of the blog shows I tackled the basing, labelling and flags for the first army, Bravance. The date was November 2020. Roughly a month short of two years.

Now 12 units of this army (as well as 12 of Hrvatska) had been painted many years previously (late 1990s?) but the additions to make up to 24 units were completed from around then, as well as the other two armies subsequently with them moving from painting, varnishing to basing and labelling. So roughly 3x VnB armies of 24 units (four armies but 2 being half completed).

Each army has 8 cavalry, 16 infantry and 4 artillery units. Very roughly, 28 cavalry, 120 infantry, 4 guns and 12 gunners. A quick calculation gives 84 mounted, 396 foot and 12 guns with maybe 36-40 staff figures, all mounted. That's not a bad total for two years.

Estavia adds 60 cavalry, 152 infantry, 3 guns and 12 gunners so far......

Perhaps I need to focus on how far I've come, not how far I have to go....


  1. Yeah, don’t focus on what is still to do as that will lead to ennui. Break it up into manageable chunks and each success will snowball into the next and you’ll feel like you are making progress.
    All my biggest collections have taken years to do. 😀

  2. Stew, it's an odd psychological thing that breaking things down into smaller parts makes it easier; after all you still know there's more to do but somehow by making it invisible you don't think about it.
    Added to that is the reward feeling from completing what's immediately in front of you.
    I tend to physically divide what needs painting into different box files and work through them. The Estavians are in three box files and I'm on to the last of them.
    Humans are odd creatures....

  3. You are doing great - three large armies! Surely time to get some of them on the table? I find that is quite a good motivator to paint some more, too..

  4. David, missed this comment. There are actually 4 completed armies, with the 5th slowly edging towards being finished.
    I have debated just getting on with starting the campaign and playing games.
    Trouble is, I have 8 more contingents planned, equivalent to maybe three more armies of comparable size (minor states have only the equivalent of a brigade).
    I was just having a downbeat moment that prompted an evaluation of how far I'd come since starting.


Inability to focus

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