Monday, 5 September 2022

Plod, plod, plod.....

Towards a conclusion...

At least that has how it has felt. Painting has felt more like a chore at times, but I keep plodding along. While not ready for a parade, decided to make a post to document progress.

Box 1, line, cuirassiers and Gendarmen hiding at the back (temporary hiatus as spider ejected having scampered in from outside of box when trying to rescue, resulting in removing ALL figures before putting back in).

Box 2 Line, cuirassiers, chevaux leger, dragoons and first Garde zu fuss


  1. I missed this post somehow. Painting is mostly a chore in my mind but a nice one to have. You’ve made good progress. 😀

  2. Stew,
    I find if I'm motivated, painting is less of a chore and something you can approach with a zen-like focus where you lose yourself in it. If I'm not and have to almost force myself to get on with it, I tend not to take my time and try to rush it. This results in stupid mistakes that need to be repainted. It feels like I have been doing lots of repainting; of what feels like the same bits over and over....
    I know I should really just walk away, but if I do, I won't get anything finished. I have one more unit in the box. After that I'm going to focus on something else hopefully something I feel like doing.


Inability to focus

Before any concerned blog readers think I have some sort of problem with my eyes, I should clarify it's about an inability to mentally f...