Sunday, 21 May 2023

Banst in black

Fine weather yesterday allowed some undercoating with a rattle can car primer. Having only located one, I could tell it might be tight an so it proved to be, with it expiring just after the first two sides of the last tranche. Thought I had more, but probably not. One for the shopping list.

Anyway, as normal, they were finished off with brushed on black acrylic where the spray didn't reach.

the Elector of Banst and his forces in their box file awaiting painting.

I have the urge to spend the rest of the day reviewing the hordes of 15mm I have acquired over the years for the Great Italian Wars 1494 - 1544.


  1. A review of your 15mm Great Italian Wars collection is an excellent way to spend the day. Do it!

  2. Jonathan - did just that. Spent hours sorting and putting the different manufacturers together.
    Thought I had too much until I started working out armies using Impetus basing (won't be using the rules - Maximillian or Furioso) where it works out about right.

  3. Neil, good rainy day activity with a good result. The Banst look like a fun project. I have had spray cans go quickly and last seemingly for a whole season.

    1. Thanks. I wanted them to be different, so have done an army with many of Saxe's ideas, either theoretical or used in his Legion.

  4. These Urges are normal. 😀

    1. I'm starting to feel like I'm being psychoanalised! ☺


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