Sunday, 14 May 2023

Slow but steady progress

The Banst army received a coat of varnish prior to undercoating (to give a surface to bind to) and I tackled the artillery. I had swapped heads and added some greenstuff, but it didn't look right. I was aiming for something like the American / French dragoon helmet meets a Tarleton. Ended up adding more greenstuff until I got something like I was after.

Here are the crews with guns (barrels to be added after painting as already bronze) and team to form the "flying artillery" - early horse artillery . Next to them are the amusettes with scratch-built mobile pavaisse / carriage.

Surplus heads were used on donor bodies to make citizen militia / rebels. I also played around converting some Spencer Smith Napoleonic figures. Militia in coat (from Garde Grenadier in greatcoat) and a pandour (from highlander) - aiming for a figure in long white shirt / tunic, waistcoat, skull cap and tight leggings a bit like Greek Evzones costume.


  1. Slow progress is much better than no progress.

  2. Great vision, your progress is certainly going to allow later units to be as you outlined.

    1. Thank you. The rather "basic" nature of the figures lends itself to this sort of conversion.

  3. As my psychoanalyst says; progress is progress. 😀

  4. Stew,
    How many psychoanalysts does it take to change a lightbulb?

    A: only one, but the lightbulb has really got to want to change! ☺


  5. Iain, may have a point!
    I do have unaltered miniatures and vehicles, honest!
    I think it goes way back. I used to just use what was available, like we all did. Then I read a little booklet by Peter Gilder from Military Modelling about painting wargames figures. He mentioned adding plumes and cannonballs from Miliput. I think it stems from there. Now if I have a vision of something, I try and make it.
    A friend of mine went further and started making his own figures. He's done stuff for Warrior, Outpost, QRF and Old Glory as well as stuff for himself.


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