Saturday, 12 August 2023

Britcon and lead rot

Popped into Britcon today. Second time it's been held in Nottingham.

Predominantly a competition convention, it has some traders, a bring & buy and limited games other than the competition ones (I noted two....). Some traders present last year were missing, but there were new replacements. Last year had three booksellers, this year only one....

There were none of the 3D printing traders which seemed to dominate last year, however some of the usual resellers and familiar faces were back, but many of Nottingham's lead belt were absent again. A couple of the new traders were resin scenery makers.

Bring & buy was........underwhelming. Mediocre painted armies at inflated prices, perhaps aimed at the competition gamers?

I ended up picking up a Margeret of Anjou and Henry VI figure sets from a new manufacturer (Athena Miniatures) for WotR. Other than that it was terrain; some nice little Italian / Spanish houses and various self-adhesive flags from the Square, some ready done desert hill / ridge pieces (set of 5) and impulse purchase and biggest spend......F&I war stockade and fort pieces from Ironclad Miniatures - various separate resin pieces so various permutations of simple forts can be created. Reasonable price with deals for complete forts:

With the F&I war being a focus at present, couldn't resist.....

Returning home, I carried on with the lead rot treatment. The cavalry and artillery had been brushed with brass brush and dipped in the turpentine / mineral oil on Friday. Today they were washed in detergent and rinsed. The last remaining figures were brushed and dipped this afternoon.

Now just to clean them all up, prime and paint them!


  1. I saw some Renaissance samples (Gendarmes) of Athena figures in the latest WSS, they look really nice.

  2. Jonathan,
    Yes, he also does some nice Landsknechts. They are slimmer than many of the chunkier figures around.

  3. Oh, just prime and paint them is all? Lol.
    Still, had a nice day out yes?

  4. Stew,
    Yes, it was good to get the "buzz" from a show, albeit one more aimed at competition games. Looking at the floorplan later, I realised that due to layout, I'd missed some traders / games, although none that were essential to the enjoyment.

  5. Replies
    1. The show was, the cleaning of lead rot less so! ☺
      Rewards first, chores later!


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