Thursday, 24 August 2023

The first of Banst

First unit finished for the Electorate of Banst.

Technically one of the Electoral states of the Empire, character generation through up an Elector with a scandalous past who, while militarily talented, has an antipathy for almost every other state and is disliked in return by many!

I have pictured him as possibly something of a cad; a slightly Frederickan character who has little tolerance for others coupled with an inventive military outlook. His army is essentially a mercenary one, for hire and inspired by the ideas of the Marshall de Saxe.

There are two "Legions" each with three "Cohorts" of infantry, a unit of "Velites" (LI skirmishers) and "Horse" (Dragoons, Hussars and Lancers). Each has some light "Flying artillery" ( horse artillery) and an amussette musket. All but the hussars wear a "neo-classical" helmet and the colour scheme is green faced red with buff.

The army's genesis was born out of a desire / need to use up surplus figures; initially , I only had enough AWI Spencer Smith for the main armies, but had left over Napoleonic lancers and cavalry as well as some later additions in a slightly smaller size, including AWI light infantry. Judicious purchases allowed modifications; the infantry and dragoons had head swaps using the AWI head on AWI grenadiers or French Napoleonics or Bavarian / Wurtembourg Napoleonic heads on AWI cavalry. The artillery ended up with heavily modified ACW kepis. The tricorne surplus heads were used on Napoleonic or ACW bodies to produce civilian militia / rebels.

Just for Jonathan, the inspiration and painting guide sketches (already I have deviated from some colour choices).


  1. Beautifully painted figures Neil, thanks for posting.


  2. Coming from you Will that's very kind!
    Mine are not up to your standard; having started with one style, I'm keeping to it for consistency and I cannot face revisiting the earlier efforts! ☺

  3. Great additions to your force.

  4. These fellas look smart! Thanks for including your sketches. Always a pleasure seeing your artwork.

    1. Jonathan,
      "Artwork' is too kind; "rough doodles" is probably a bett description !

  5. First of many I’m sure. I like the color scheme. 😀

    1. It's a common colour combination in the C18th but works well.

  6. Nice background and a good colour scheme/design choices. Bold but anchored in the period. You must have steady hands to paint that detail on those figures, especially when there's very little 'raised' detail on them.

    1. Chris, thanks. I suspect it's practice. Black undercoat doesn't help with reading what little detail there is! The details are there, just very understated. I normally aim to block in the main areas leaving black between them. There is normally a lot of touching up after main colours are on, the hardest being the black. To restore black lining, I resort to a very fine brush and try to take my time.

  7. Thanks Dean. Deliberately "toy soldier" style.

  8. Nicely done. And a good choice of colours.


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