Sunday, 7 January 2024

New Year painting and fighting the lurgi!

Not the best of starts to 2024; before Xmas I had a chesty cough that kept coming and going. Number one son went out with his friends and came back with a stinking cold. Almost inevitably, I have come down with it as well. A Covid test showed negative, so I assume I have fallen victim to a combined cold and flu virus.

Cue coughing, sneezing, alternate runny or blocked up nose, disturbed sleep and generally feeling under the weather. Copious application of over the counter remedies has provided some relief. Amazingly, despite this I have managed to do some painting. I forced myself to have a go and found not only was I so zoned out I was able to concentrate and focus on the painting which distracted me from the cold/flu. I was careful not to push it too far; when I started making mistakes or felt tired I gave up for the day.

I tackled some more SSMs as they are undemanding to  paint once you have done 100 or more, simple block colours on black undercoat. I bit the bullet and brought down the box for Banst.

Banst is one of the Electoral states, ruled by an Elector that doesn't seem to get on with anyone! His character is one of the few militarily excellent personalities, his cards coming out as "War, Dominant" which in this campaign is going to be close to military genius! I see the army as a potential mercenary force.

The army was originally going to be made up of "left over" figures; I had some Napoleonic SSM cuirassiers in helmet and some of the later Peter Johnstone 25mm plastic SSM additions - much smaller than the classic SSM. I also sort of fancied doing an army to reflect some of Marechal du Saxe's less wacky ideas; plentiful skirmishers, amussette light artillery and a neo-classical organisation based around Roman legions. His real life Volunteers du Saxe provided uniforms and lancers. By the time it came to recreate the army with these ideas, I had managed to accumulate enough SSMs that I could use the smaller figures for head conversions on standard SSM bodies so they matched the other armies.

So here's last week's painting. I have already painted two more infantry units. Unusually, instead of ploughing through all the line infantry, instead I varied it by painting the other main components of the first "Legion" of mixed infantry, cavalry and amussette. There will be two such formations and two batteries of "flying" (horse) artillery.

Scratch-built amussette and mobile shield. The gunner is a converted frontiersman / cowboy from SSM with a head swap and carving.

Line infantry - two more "Cohorts" are painted - Princepes, Hastati and Triari.

Skirmishers - Velites - converted Napoleonic SSM 

Horse - Dragoons

Light cav Hussars and Lancers


  1. Your post seems like deja vu. Not only have I fallen to sickness over Christmas (COVID and flu) and still working unsuccessfully to recover but I saw your fine figures yesterday. I must be dreaming…

    Hope you return to good health soon.

    1. Jonathan,
      Good to see you yesterday, I hope you enjoyed the banter and camaraderie.
      Hopefully it wasn't all a hallucination.....☺...that said the over the counter medicine has given me some vivid dreams!
      I'm supposed to be back to work tomorrow, but it will depend on how I feel in the morning....

    2. Neil, very good to put a face to a name yesterday. I enjoyed the discussions and plan to return.

  2. Lot of lurgy about at the moment. Wife and daughter smitten before Christmas and seemed to be over it but she's just returned from Krakow and seems worse than ever...

    I've been fending off a chest infection and cough but suspect I'll get the full monty at some point...

    I do like Legions but my Von Donovan Legion now stands at a brigade of infantry, brigade of cavalry, guns and Indians! Maybe I need to do another smaller one to oppose them...

    Yours as ever look splendid.

    1. Thanks Andy.
      Most real life C18th Legions were small affairs. The MdS wanted to reduce the size of the French army and reorganise it into pseudo classical units based on the Roman pattern. I doubt it would have worked.
      My figures are not in the same league as your gorgeous miniatures, but it would take a lot of work to get a SSM to the same standard as an RSM!

  3. My daughter described the the current lurgy as the eleven week cold… which is a fairly good description.
    It’s good to see you are feeling well enough to paint… Definitely one of the best medicines around.

    All the best. Aly

  4. Thanks Aly. Son number one is still coughing and blowing his nose in week three. I must be on week four or five of feeling unwell.
    The painting was easier than I thought it would be; the alternative was lying around feeling like poop! I thought it would be really difficult to concentrate, but found the motor skills were able to function without much difficulty and the whole process distracted me, although I did get tired.

  5. Good going Neil, especially as you have the Lurgy. I like the amusette. Nice word too. And I like the 18th century expression of 'keeping [the enemy] amused'. I know meanings of words change, but that always tickles me.

    1. Chris,
      What's more "amusing" than being fired at with a 30mm ball of lead? ☺

  6. I hope you feel better soon Neil. It is quite possible to have Covid and it not show up on a LF test. We both caught it off our daughter at Xmas, but tested negative. Lovely toys anyway!

  7. Thanks Martin.
    I've now moved to coughing and wheezing and doing a good impression of Bob Fleming from the Fast Show.....☺

  8. I hope you'll recover soon. Those are some nice conversions and scratch builds. 'War Dominant' sometimes describes my own house. 😁

  9. Thanks Stew.
    The system is from Tony Bath's Setting up a Wargames Campaign: each character is dealt a card for their main characteristic (they get a varying amount of other character traits); Clubs = war, Spades = honour, Hearts = love and Diamonds = wealth. I rank these for martial "usefulness" in that order. The card score gives low, medium, high and dominant ( picture cards) from ace (low) to ten.
    So this gives a measure of martial competence from wealth low (2) up to war dominant (8). A joker gives a "wit"; these I see as potentially erratic so will dice to get a competence score for each battle (comedians being notoriously prone to mood swings).
    I see the score as being useful for command roles if playing solo or for subsidiary commanders....

  10. Hope you are feeling better Neil, your latest painting of SSM figures is excellent. Cheers for sharing.


  11. Thanks Willz.
    Struggling a bit at the moment, feels like I'm developing a chest infection. Off work but don't feel up to painting or doing much of anything!


Inability to focus

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