Sunday, 31 December 2023

2023 Retrospective

On the last day of 2023, time for some introspection.

The main reason I started this blog was to monitor progress; it's useful to be able to look back at what has been achieved or hasn't made it off the slipway (or even drawing board).

Soldier King project

Has felt like slow going this year. Did manage to finish the Electoral army, but failed to make progress with the remainder. Stumbling block has been mostly work and lethargy and apathy when off, but also hit a block with Banst. They got converted, primed and started - two units of infantry - then nothing. There were plans to crack on with them last week, but after taking the box down, I put it away again! 

Started pulling together notes from various places into a gazeteer, so at least it's all in one place. This has however identified more characters that need personalities and made me wonder if another planned army needs expanding as it's likely to be the first flashpoint from the relationships I've diced for between states.

Also toyed with producing army standards for the main protagonists with Fimo standard bearers. Got as far as making up some Atlantic plastic horses.

One achievement (?) has been to corrupt my friend Eric into buying a copy of the game for his own Imagi-Nations campaign after seeing my armies. He has even started a blog:

Arab-Israeli project

This has slowly ground along in the background. Have worked on various vehicle conversions off and on throughout the year. It doesn't help that everytime I look at pictures of the real vehicles I notice some small details I've missed. Lifting hooks on Sherman turrets for goodness sake! I think it's just an avoidance mechanism to put off painting them....

There have been developments on the Arab side with the acquisition of 1:87 scale BTR-152s. I had planned to use Roskopf models, but these are closer to 1:100. I had told myself they were OK, but had not really believed it.....

I've also got more Gaz jeeps and trucks....

Other butterfly distractions

Got very distracted by restarting FIW, which led into digging out the old 25-30mm armies (including SYW) and inevitably buying yet more second hand figures; in fact it was the discovery of some Rafm Flint & Feather range figures that started this! Then found some RSM with enough to finish off the French and cover the British.....

Got as far as priming some British and Indians for Contrast paints.....

Keep getting distracted by old or planned projects; SCW (old), Flodden and Italian wars (new), WotR (old) and it doesn't help when other bloggers tempt you! 

Martin Rapier has been producing 15mm WW2 Desert war stuff: (

I have tons to paint in both this scale and 20mm (don't ask!)

And David in Suffolk played DBA ancients, which led to digging out some 15mm armies before sanity prevailed:

I suspect I'm looking for some "quick wins" - stuff that can be painted quickly using Contrast paint and washes. The ECW experiments were not encouraging. Unfortunately, it means lots of cleaning up before further attempts.

I did go to two wargames shows this year and probably more significantly was persuaded by fellow SSM enthusiast Willz to join the Virtual Wargames Club (VWC). While I was initially hesitant, it has been hugely enjoyable to make new friends and finally "meet" old ones such as Eric (known many years on the Society of Daisy group) or other bloggers.

So, onwards to 2024 with the hope of achieving more by way of painting and perhaps, even gaming.


  1. Neil, the pleasure of seeing you in person via the VWC has been great. Thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration.


    1. Eric,
      I always "saw" you as a kindred spirit on Daisy and that's just been confirmed by the VWC meetings!

  2. It's been nice seeing your ImagiNation progress. It's a great little project. And the AIW stuff is wonderful and will be great
    when painted. I too joined the VWC this year and it has been fun and inspirational. Look forward to seeing your progress in 2024. Happy New Year!

    1. Andy,
      Thanks for the kind words. I look forward to seeing more of your superbly painted stuff.

  3. You may be easily distracted, my friend, but your meandering journey is always a pleasure to watch. On VWC, is there room for one more?

    1. Johathan I can highly recommend the VWC for a pleasant Saturday hour and a half chatting about wargame stuff.


    2. Willz,

      Hopefully Jonathan will be joining us on Saturday.

  4. Jonathan,
    As it's very informal, I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem.
    It's held on Zoom at 16:15 to 16:20 UK time start until 18:00 on Saturdays.
    If interested, send me an email (nsp16 at and I'll forward an email to the host to add you to the distribution list.

  5. It is very easy to get distracted! Thanks for the mention, but I must admit to being "painted out" by the 15mm Desert stuff, so I'm taking a bit of a break and trying to play some games instead. It was great to meet you in person at Partisan, always good to put a face to a name. Have a great 2024.

  6. Martin,
    Likewise; being able to speak to someone in person who's rules and articles I've read for years and blog I've followed is a real pleasure.
    My desert 15mm stuff was slowly acquired for Command Decision, but was in reserve behind SCW. Real life intervened to derail well laid plans and it all went on the back burner. When coming back to projects, I couldn't contemplate playing CD and had started looking at Operational level games. Convinced myself to buy 20mm for Megablitz, but sadly have not found time for either!
    Hoping Frank Chadwick will get around to releasing his Breakthrough rules - I will use the 15mm for them as the proposed basing is different.

  7. Hi Neil!
    I did not get a chance to introduce myself at the Virtual Wargames Club Saturday. However, I have been following your blog ever since it was discussed in the VWC’s emails.

    I have always had ImagiNations in my gaming and have enjoyed reading about yours. I even bought a new copy of Soldier King!

    I’m looking forward to reading about your project.

  8. Ed,
    Ah! That explains it!
    I was a bit puzzled as I'd showed my SK stuff several meetings ago.
    It's a good game for a campaign, simple rules.
    Many many years ago I played in a mythical 30-Years War campaign using the game map. The author of the campaign introduced sea movement boxes around the coast, which just goes to show how versatile a system it can be.

  9. Happy New Year Neil and thanks for the shout out.


  10. Willz,
    And to you and thanks again for suggesting the VWC.

  11. I've always been really good at sticking to a few prtojects and not being distracted. but then again my year end summaries are BORING with only 1 or two items. So really I think you are the real winner here. 😁

    Happy new year!

  12. Stew,
    Same to you!
    I used to be focused on one period at a time....when you're old you have several years of focused projects.....

  13. Looking at your year Neil… You are certainly a lot more focused than me…
    Chase that butterfly…You never know what you might find 😂

    Looking forward to seeing your armies and projects grow in 2024.

    All the best. Aly

  14. Aly,
    Get thee behind me satanic butterfly of temptation! ☺
    Once upon a time I used to be focused on one period....
    Back when I started the SK project, I used to alternate painting a SK unit with a SCW unit and a DBA army to break up the potential tedium. While it relieved boredom there were problems; SSM require a different painting method - you have to paint on some of the details; secondly, it seemed to take forever to build a complete army (other than DBA ones!).
    My current plan is to work on a SK army and alternate this with something else.....

  15. I look forward to resumed progress on your Soldier Kings project!

  16. Peter,
    I've managed to do a bit more painting. I'd love to complete the project this year (as much as any project is ever complete), but I'm not going to give myself the pressure of a deadline (get enough of those at work!)


Inability to focus

Before any concerned blog readers think I have some sort of problem with my eyes, I should clarify it's about an inability to mentally f...