Sunday, 7 April 2024

More French Nobility and lesser "gentlemen"

The Zinnfiguren Italian Wars continues with more French; they have a lot of choice in the various army lists, so even for rules which use a reduced number of "elements" still need multiple figures.

More Gensdarmes

"Archers" - part of the "Lance" originally were mounted longbowmen and in the early Italian Wars may have fought as such; later were less armoured lancers

Finally some mounted Crossbowmen

I have tried to keep to a restricted colour palette throughout to tie the army together, basically blue, red, white and yellow.

The figures mostly come from a large lot; I selected the figures charging (as oppose to stationary with lance upright) to represent the French Gensdarmes, noted for their aggressive charges. As such, they are a mixed bag.

I have a few "front view" Knights cleaned up and primed; these I'm going to pair on circular bases as general figures for those rules that use separate generals which attach to an element - I can see this as necessary for larger games or historical refights. I also have an element which will become the general element, in this case an approximation of Louis XII; I'm toying with variants for Charles and Francis. There are also two large cannon and crew and some converted Stradiots.

Waiting in the wings for cleaning up and priming are Swiss, Landesknechts, more Gascons and possibly more French infantry.


  1. More loveliness! Great work on some very nice figures.

  2. Thanks Donnie. What I've found is that some have more detail than others but it's not immediately apparent until you prime them.

  3. Looking good Neil…
    Such lovely dynamic figures…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Not sure why but flats seem to capture more movement. Impressive when you think the details are etched into slate!

  4. Fantastic painting Neil, thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks Willz. I'm going to have to tackle Landeskechts at some stage which I suspect will challenge my painting skills!

    2. I tried to paint some landesechts about 40 years ago and did a bad job, they ended up in a melty pot.
      Might try painting some later this year.


  5. Looking good and stylish. I’m looking forward to seeing arranged in units. 😀

  6. Thanks Stew. They are more or less in the elements they will be based as.

  7. Those flats look great, Neil! I always wanted to get some after seeing them in the Color Treasury of Model Soldiers book I got as a kid (and still have it!).

  8. Thanks Dean. I have seen other bloggers who have painted up flats for wargaming ( SYW and ancients) and lusted after them, but didn't think I'd be able to paint them; it's a nice surprise they hae come out so well!


Hammerhead 2025

Yesterday I went to Hammerhead at the Newark Showground. Pictures will follow once I get them organised and catalogued to the games. Impress...