Sunday, 21 March 2021

And Victory snatched from the jaws of defeat......

When I informed my wife of my inability to find the paint I needed, and the consequent halting of progress yesterday, she said "if you order some you will probably find what you already have..."

Needless to say, she was right! I had left the figures and bases out and before tidying them away, I had a final search. It was only when I moved the box where most of my paint I'm using and painting stuff (brushes, palette) that I discovered my part open pot had fallen behind the box. Hurrah!

Here follows an impromptu parade of Argozia's finest, with the glue still drying on their bases......

Saturday, 20 March 2021

For the want of a nail........

Or in this case paint......

Progress on the Argozian army for Soldier King came to a screeching halt today upon the discovery I had apparently run out of the particular paint colour I use for the figure bases - Vallejo Game Colour Goblin Green.....

This has been rectified but alas brings further progress to a halt until it arrives.

I had managed to make progress with the bases during the week after finishing work, doing a little each day. Alas, I made the cardinal sin of assuming I had some in stock, based on the not unreasonable assumption that there must be a pot due to my prelidiction for hoarding such things (to avoid the very thing that happened!).

Sadly, the Goblin Green is a perfect match for the Wilco test pot I use for the balsa bases; needless to say I have industrial quantities of this paint!

What's most distressing is that I don't tend to forget such things, normally able to recall when I'm running low. It must be age.......a fact both worrying and depressing!

Friday, 12 March 2021

The flags of Argozia

 Here's last weekend's work, the flags of the third of the Soldier King armies - Argozia.

It is the "green" army based on the game heraldry of a black eagle on a green field.

Consequently, the troops are mostly wearing green or have green as facing colours. This army caused considerable thought to avoid them looking like Russian clones, and I struggled to find suitable schemes. Oddly, in one of my earliest doodles I sketched the white infantry flag in the 2nd row (now belonging to the 3 foot garde regiments) which I liked so much it has had little revision and forms the basis for all the foot colours.

And yes, it is very influenced by Austrian and Hungarian colours of Maria Theresa's army. Strangely, although the influences were more from the Kingdom of Italy and American Loyalists, when painting the General staff, their uniforms (while green) were influenced by those of the Austrian army in Mollo, although not planned as such.

Hammerhead 2025

Yesterday I went to Hammerhead at the Newark Showground. Pictures will follow once I get them organised and catalogued to the games. Impress...