Friday, 12 March 2021

The flags of Argozia

 Here's last weekend's work, the flags of the third of the Soldier King armies - Argozia.

It is the "green" army based on the game heraldry of a black eagle on a green field.

Consequently, the troops are mostly wearing green or have green as facing colours. This army caused considerable thought to avoid them looking like Russian clones, and I struggled to find suitable schemes. Oddly, in one of my earliest doodles I sketched the white infantry flag in the 2nd row (now belonging to the 3 foot garde regiments) which I liked so much it has had little revision and forms the basis for all the foot colours.

And yes, it is very influenced by Austrian and Hungarian colours of Maria Theresa's army. Strangely, although the influences were more from the Kingdom of Italy and American Loyalists, when painting the General staff, their uniforms (while green) were influenced by those of the Austrian army in Mollo, although not planned as such.


  1. They look good, and 'right' for the period. I look forward to seeing the army!

  2. Thanks David.
    I have "flagged" the standard bearers today but sadly my motivation is also "flagging" (if you will forgive the pun) to do much more; the bases need cutting out, magnetising and painting but will have to wait until I can summon the will. In all likelihood, the figure bases will also need touching up when I remove them from the temporary painting bases.

  3. Love this project! I bought an old copy of Soldier King a year or so ago. If I’d had it earlier, then I think It would have become the basis of my Gelderland campaign. Much as I like the Maurice campaign system, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’d like something with an operational aspect to it as well. Soldier King seems perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops!

  4. Thanks. As a game SK is very good / entertaining. The only downside is the focus on capturing electoral cities as this leads to a bit of a land grab to meet victory points. That said, some of the optional rules such as magazines limiting marches can offset this. When two forces meet, you transfer to an abstract "battle" using whatever counters in that force; that makes it ideal for the basis of a campaign.
    I've played in a 30YW style campaign based on SK. The organiser used it as he felt the game gave "a different result every time you played it".
    An acquaintance designed a miniatures campaign for Volley & Bayonet but found the forces needed to be limited as his first design lead to huge battles.
    Your Gelderland campaign is very amusing!


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