Sunday, 21 March 2021

And Victory snatched from the jaws of defeat......

When I informed my wife of my inability to find the paint I needed, and the consequent halting of progress yesterday, she said "if you order some you will probably find what you already have..."

Needless to say, she was right! I had left the figures and bases out and before tidying them away, I had a final search. It was only when I moved the box where most of my paint I'm using and painting stuff (brushes, palette) that I discovered my part open pot had fallen behind the box. Hurrah!

Here follows an impromptu parade of Argozia's finest, with the glue still drying on their bases......


  1. Great work! Rediscoveries are commonplace for me especially given the state of my workbench.

  2. Jonathan,
    I'm one of those people who seem to be able to recall where everything is in an apparent sea of chaos...
    Move something just a foot or put it in a different box and it's gone.....

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. It was very much elation at finishing something I thought I'd have to wait another week for.
      I think I will try to parade all the armies properly once I get what's painted done.

  4. Fantastic Spencer Smiths Neil, they will mix well with the one you just bought of me.


    1. Thanks Will. I cannot resist the lure of Spencer Smiths.
      I am influenced by the old adage of "buy them when you see them, not when you NEED them....."

  5. Superb work.
    I do love the Volley & Bayonet basing and general way of doing things.

  6. Thank you. A deceptively simple set of rules....
    What drew me in was the apparent "old school" mechanisms (before that phrase was coined), such as 6 to hit, saving throws, but wrapped up in a thoroughly modern design package (to fight battles from the perspective of a general sacrificing details and abstracting others).
    It's a shame Frank Chadwick doesn't believe in command & control mechanisms aside from having lots of players!
    It does limit solo play unless you graft something on.

  7. They look great. Will they thrown in to battle in the near future?

    1. TWR unlikely.....
      The problem is I decided to have the various provinces as active states; the original game plays like a "land grab" until the kingdoms start encroaching on each other.
      I played in an C18th "Sport of Kings" campaign that suffered from this.
      So there are 1 major (Imperial / Estavian) and 8 minor armies still to paint. Most are a lot smaller, being little more than a brigade in strength.
      Perhaps when I eventually retire?


Inability to focus

Before any concerned blog readers think I have some sort of problem with my eyes, I should clarify it's about an inability to mentally f...