Sunday, 15 October 2023

Time for a parade - Bravance

 By way of an experiment, I'm playing around with updating the blog via PC rather than tablet.

Partly this is so I can use the camera on a phone which gives much higher quality images. I was conscious that Bravance as the first of the SK armies I painted and finished had rather indifferent photos. As the pioneer I'm seeing if I can upload the better quality photos on to the blog and give a long overdue parade to Bravance....

First King Leonardo


Son and heir, Prinz Louis

Army/Wing Commanders L to R: Landgraf von Bernsdorf, Markgraf von Traben and the Seneschal Chevlier de Buchheim

Corps commanders L to R: Von Eitelsbach,  Graf Von Wernhe, Freiherr von Wernhe

Division / Column commanders

The army

Guard cavalry

Line cavalry

East Bravance Infantry

West Bravance Infantry

Combined standing Grenadiers


Emigre Infantry

Bravancian Freikorps Cavalry

Bravancian Freikorps Infantry


  1. Nice parade, Neil! I am not sure how you fellas manage to create, edit, and post via a tablet alone. If it were not for my laptop, I might go silent...

  2. Jonathan,
    When I started the blog I struggled to work out how to do anything; it's why it was moribund for so long.
    I eventually grabbed the bull by the horns and worked out how to upload pictures from the tablet with a lot of trial and error.
    Once you know how, it's relatively easy. I was always conscious that the pictures were not great quality due to the inbuilt camera.
    I have a work iPhone and I've tried taking pictures, which come out with a lot more detail and focus even on close ups.
    I have only just cracked how to get them onto iCloud then onto a Laptop. This was my first post via Laptop.

  3. It's always a good time for a parade - and they look great! Excellent pictures. Like Jon, I would struggle to do this just on a tablet, mainly because the typing is much harder than on the laptop with a 'proper' keyboard. Anyway, I am hoping to take further inspiration from your painting of Spencer-Smith figures!
    By the way, parading is all very good, but maybe they need some battle experience?

  4. David,
    The typing on a tablet can be "problematic" at times I agree but I find the tablet much easier and immediate ; I can snap a photo and upload a whole post whereas digging out phone and laptop takes much longer.
    Battle; I want to ensure I have all the figures done that I need before starting the campaign. Unfortunately, it keeps growing. I still need to finish 4 small armies, but also need uniformed and civilian militia / rebels. I also need to see how the campaign / boardgame works in relation to generate battles. There's the small matter of scenery. I'm also at present limited to the kitchen table which isn't ideal. One day.....

  5. A fine parade. I often use my phone for taking, resizing and uploading pics and then do the typing on my PC.

  6. Andy,
    If I had a tablet with as good a camera as the phone, I doubt I'd bother with phone and laptop. Sadly, I'm not that much better typing on a keyboard than prodding a tablet screen (which at least has predictive text!)
    Sorry I missed you at Partisan.

  7. A fine looking force Neil - great paint job. Such lovely figures too.

    1. Thank you!
      I have to confess there was a considerable gap in painting: Leonardo, the Corps commanders, Guard HC, 1 Hussar, 6 Infantry, grenadiers and 2 artillery were painted late 1990s with the remainder not being done until about 2019 / 2020 a gap of some 20 years! Yikes!

  8. First off, great looking parade full of nice units.
    I use both tablet and pc to blog. Some articles are entered on one machine and edited on the other. I find the phone for photos, pc to upload the photos and tablet for convenience make it much less painful to create a post .
    The only drawback is that some of the posts don't have much to say. 😄

  9. I tend to use my blog to remind myself what I've been going and what progress I've made. It's informative when you can see how much you have achieved by looking back.
    I'm always surprised anyone wants to read my witterings!
    I wouldn't put your lack of comments down; unfortunately I can't seem to follow your blog so don't always see new posts. I think it's always nice to see what others are doing and commenting helps create a sense of community.
    That said, even those I follow don't always update properly with new posts in my blog list.

  10. Fantastic parade neil, very inspirational.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I sometimes think about doing a blog for my wargame stuff,
    however I know I will get sidetracked and forget to post items regularly.


  11. Willz,
    Do it! I wouldn't worry about updating regularly; you get into a rhythm that suits you after a while. I normally aim for once a week, but sometimes if I have not done anything it will be longer between posts or if very productive, more frequently.
    With your output, I'm sure you would have plenty to post about.
    I used it mostly to remind myself what progress I've made which can be very motivational.

  12. Lovely old school toys Neil…
    It’s good to see you didn’t give up on them over the last two decades 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly,
      Thank you for the kind comments.
      It was life that intervened; moving up to Nottingham for work and living at in-laws for over a year, then various upheavals, redundancy, new job, children meant I didn't do a lot of anything.
      I don't remember when I came back to them exactly. There was a rethink about army size, in effect doubling the armies before I knuckled down to more painting about 5-6 years ago. Painting is in many ways the easy bit (although it doesn't feel that way sometimes!) Cleaning off the flash is the worst bit.....

    2. Ah ha so what we need is self flash removing Spencer Smith figures 😀.

    3. Willz, that would be nice! I wonder what the first figures were like when the moulds were new? I've never found a figure without some flash......


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