Sunday, 5 November 2023

Radio silence

Well we seem to have slipped into November without a post.

Nothing serious, just nothing to report. Work has left me exhausted at the weekend and last weekend was fighting off some lurgy / man-flu that just left me drained. No energy to even comment on others blogs.

I did a little bit of modelling last weekend and today photographed two of the other SK armies, Argozia and Arcadia. Unfortunately it involves taking the photos on an iPhone, uploading to iCloud (remembering how to do this) then logging into iCloud on my PC to download onto an external hard drive.

Couldn't face logging onto the blog on the laptop to upload. I'll save that for some other posts.

I've been thinking about other projects I'd like to get working on, such as the long delayed WW2 Western Desert, Italian Wars and many others, including the F&I War I got sidetracked into. I'm trying to stay focused on finishing the SK and AIW projects as in all honesty they don't need that much work to get finished.

I will have to make use of some long weekends and Christmas holidays to make some real progress.

To finish and just to prove to myself I did do something (!) a photo showing details added to Tomat SPGs.


  1. Good to see some activity in your camp! Hope you manage to successfully fight off the lurgy soon.

    When I have a number of photos to transfer from iPhone to PC, I connect the phone directly to the PC and download from there.

  2. Jonathan,
    Thank you. Unfortunately as it's a work phone, due to security, I'm not allowed to connect anything to the phone. Email is equally problematic. The allowed process is as I describe.

  3. Good to know some wargaming activity is happening, even if technology is hampering the posts.

    1. Peter,
      It has been minimal, but trying to keep it ticking over!

  4. Great to read that you’ve been able to take some photos … and I love the SPGs!

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob!
      It's supposed to represent a Sherman based M50 Tomat mounting a French 155mm gun. This is the first version. Later HVSS tracks replaced the VVSS and after that the engine was replaced which changed the engine deck.
      The model is a Roco M40 mated with a modified gun. The original tracks went to a M50 or M51 Sherman and in turn this model received the VVSS tracks. Lots of plastic card, rod, wire and parts from the bits box.
      Unfortunately, I was working from a single picture which turned out to be the prototype. The exhaust system on front differs on the standard version. As usual, after you complete the model, good pictorial sources turn up! In this case Tom Gannon's 3-4 part series on IDF SP artillery.

  5. It is very satisfying converting things. Nice job.

  6. Thanks Martin. Unfortunately, every IDF vehicle has required, converting, scratch-bodging or tweaking! Added to which, the infantry figures are mostly having headswaps!
    The satisfaction comes from having something unique.

  7. Cool bit of modelling Neil, I glad you have shaken of the lurgy.


    1. Thanks Will. I quite enjoy a bit of bodging with plastic card and bits. My personal highlight was scratchbuilding AMX-13 turrets which I never thought I'd be able to do.

  8. Sorry to hear you've not been well Neil. Had a prolonged bout of it myself and it was hard to shake off.
    Can you AirDrop pics from your iPhone or is that only possible with a Mac?

    1. Chris,
      Not sure what it was, it was the tiredness that was the worst of it.
      AirDrop? Sounds impressive! I suspect it's an Apple thing.....
      I can barely use the iPhone as it is!

  9. Hope you feel better soon. The conversion work is first class, certainly not the mark of no interest. I download from my android to the PC (Windows) via an app. Most come out okay, the phone has a pretty good camera.

  10. Thank you on both counts!
    The iPhone takes very nice pictures, much better than the Kindle Fire. What's impressive is the focus in close up. I was playing around with the downloaded photos zooming and making full screen and the detail is there. More rewarding is that my painting on the Spencer Smith figures even stands up to close scrutiny!

  11. Nice work on the SPG’s Neil…
    I think the big attraction with the IDF vehicles is the unusual and unique nature of them… but it does of course take more time and effort.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly!
      It has been something of a voyage of discovery. The IDF in 1967 were forced to rely on what they had managed to acquire from other countries by way of "modern" weapons and what they created from what older material to hand. Until I started converting models I had no idea how extensive the modifications were. Now every time I look at a photo I notice something else I need to add!
      It all stems from an old Military Modelling article converting various 1/76 models with suggestions for using 1/87 Roco.
      I suspect painting is going to be Interesting to try and get the correct shades....


Inability to focus

Before any concerned blog readers think I have some sort of problem with my eyes, I should clarify it's about an inability to mentally f...