Sunday, 26 November 2023

Soldier King parade- Estavian Empire

The cataloguing of the painted Soldier King armies continues with the first  non-game army. In the GDW game, the 12 provinces in the centre of the map are neutral, representing the "Estavian Empire" who's emperor has died without issue and are the target of the four SK  players who need to seize electoral cities to be elected emperor.

From playing the game and from participating in a "Sport of Kings" campaign (SYW), neutral provinces are conquered too easily and it becomes more of a "Monopoly" or "Risk" style game. I thus decided after some thought to expand the armies to include those of the neutral states from the game. Martin SC and I differed on how to allocate these and there is considerable latitude for how you want to arrange the states.

I decided that the provinces of "the Hereditary Lands", "Midlands" and "Bravancian March" would become the rump of the Imperial state of Estavia, ruler of the "Crimson Throne" comprising the other electoral and non-electoral states. These were all one province states apart from upper and lower Waldow which combined into the Grand Duchy of Waldow. Further development has resulted in the Hereditary Lands and Midlands being the main combined state with a border province or "March" (Mark in German) and led to the "Zweikreiss" or "Doppelkreis" Reich depending on your viewpoint....

Kaiser Augustus Emperor of the Crimson Throne

Heir presumptive Prinz Charles Xavier mounted on his horse Ajax with his dog Achilles

Note his physical scar - this sets up the possibility of his succession being challenged....

Army Commanders L to R: Markgraf von Brauneburg, Gebhard Bembel and Herzog von Weissen, Hartwig Weiss

Corps Commanders Grafs: Von Senheim, Von Burg-Layen, Von Valhingen, Von Neumarkand Von Maisach

Division / Column Commanders: Kasel, Bittbach, Zell, Wurzach, Ungestein and Steeg.

Guard Cavalry: Gens D'Armes & Garde zu Pferde

I & II Regiments Garde zu Fuss


Dragoons and O'Hara Chevauxleger (see previous post for story behind this unit)

Empress and Valhingen Hussars

Combined Grenadiers

Line Infantry "red" facings named for locations in Hereditary Lands

Line Infantry "green" facings named for locations in Midlands

Line Infantry "blue" facings named for locations in Bravancian March

Imperial Jager and Grenze

Wilhelm Pfiffig's "Zirkus" Artillerie (named after Stew's comments)

The army arrayed (a bird's eye view)


  1. Another fab looking army in your continuing parade. Good stuff, Neil! Eye-catching painting scheme on your gun line.

  2. Thanks Jonathan. For some reason the staff have come out looking more grey than white as they are in real life.
    The guns (thanks to Stew's comments) will always be known as the Circus Artillery!

  3. Another nice looking army…
    I particularly like the combined grenadiers…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I used a colour "grouping" method, so crimson, red, pink and orange; light, medium and dark green and blue, yellow and purple. I'm debating expanding to have a turquoise, red brown, dark purple and black group of infantry and combined grenadiers.

  4. That's a great collection. Especially as it's only one of your armies.

  5. Thanks Chris - yes number 5, the first 4 being smaller. The combined Electoral states (less Banst) make 6. The remainder awaiting paint amount to around 2 x half sized armies and 2 x quarter sized armies. I also want to add around 5 units to the Imperial army, 4-6 battalions of Imperial militia and a half sized army of rebels / civilian militia.

  6. Another beautiful parade Neil - chapeau sir!

    1. Thank you sir, or should that be "merci monsieur"! ☺
      I'm trying to photograph the armies in a similar format while I have the use of an iPhone with superior quality photos (alarmingly so! Thankfully most of the painting has stood up to close in scrutiny!).

  7. More fantastic display of excellent 18th century eye candy, thanks for sharing Neil.


  8. More great inspiration, they are all lovely!
    Making the neutral territories into the 'Empire' seems a good idea, rather than just leaving them to be absorbed piecemeal by the other powers - should add a lot of interest to the campaign.

  9. David,
    Thank you. Yes, creating neutral states out of all the provinces creates not only more challenges, but opens up all sorts of diplomacy options.
    The downside means creating and painting more armies.....with all the heraldry, flags, uniforms and personalities....
    It wasn't the intention when I started, but it has all grown organically from each new idea; I wanted an army in white which became the Estavian Imperial army which in turn produced an empire to rule over....
    The latest is some imperial militia to bulk out the electoral states as well as civilian militia that can double as rebels....
    The aim is to have a small version of Hyboria...

  10. Lovely, classic looking figures, Neil!

  11. Thanks Tim. Deliberately "toy soldier" appearance aimed for!


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