Sunday, 28 July 2024


Just finished the Banst army after what feels like a boxing match of several rounds!

I'm so knackered, I can't be bothered to have a proper parade.....

So until I can get them marching and take some decent photos, here's some teasers...

First, the flags....for so few they gave me no end of trouble with touching up and fettling....

Then, when I got the bases labelled and scraped the paint off the magnetic tape on the bottom, and got the b***ers lined up and glued down, I still had to play Tetris to get them into the box!

I also got hung up on the flags; wasn't sure of the colours and whether to add numbers. In the end just went with what I had. Look OK on the figures....


  1. Good looking flags, Neil! From the photo of your storage box, it appears your Tetris skills are still quite good.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I still need to find the optimum arrangement. The left corner is just a fraction too small - it's due to the bases for the infantry being 42mm instead of 40mm. That's to allow for the SSM figure bases ranked two deep....need a bit of shuffling.
      Those b***dy flags tested my patience! Acrylic yellow is a difficult paint.....

  2. They look great, the figures and the flags. I like the colour palette very much.

  3. Thanks MJT. Very much influenced by the Marshal du Saxe and his faced red with buff. Add in yellow as a complementary colour for both. The hussars are based on a Prussian uniform IIRC.
    In isolation, the flags looked very gaudy and I wasn't sure they'd work.....

  4. Ooo - shiny! Like the flags! Nice, strong, stand-out colours - as a flag ought to be!

    I 'do' paper flags myself if the design is simple and formal. But the only paint I use are golds and silvers, and occasionally white if I am superimposing things like stars on a dark field. Otherwise I use the sort of coloured pens used for transparencies for overhead projectors (do people still use these?). I find the colours strong and bright. White I usually leave the colour of the paper.

    Coloured this way, yellows and whites have sufficient translucence to stand out even against the light.

  5. Thanks Ion. I've debated pens or watercolours, but in the end just went with normal acrylics. It gives a bit more strength and the acrylic paint is flexible, so can cope with the bending. Once dry, I coat the inside with PVA stick and flex into a flag shape. I use draftsmen pens to line each area.
    I think I've found with pen ink that the PVA "bleeds" the colours. I think I'd need some of the paint pens.
    The designs were evolutionary; I had the crescent from assigning emblems from a GW Empire or Brettonian decal sheet to each state (I was going to use decals on flags). The rhomboid came from French Revolutionary flags and then a St Andrew's cross in the background became a German cross. The smaller rhomboids were from mapping out the shapes.

  6. The flags have turned out really well, the colours are great and work so well. Looking forward to seeing the parade, should look good.

  7. Thanks Donnie. By the time I had finished them, which seemed to take forever, due to correcting things or dealing with bits I'd forgotten, all I could do was get them in their box!
    I was getting frustrated with my work room / office as there isn't the space to put things aside to dry for example. Everything had to be moved from one place to another.
    I could have taken more time, but was determined to get them finished!

  8. Very nice flags Neil, the figures are beautiful. Good storage.


  9. Thanks Willz. When I started years ago I had a couple of ex-Government (HMSO) box files. They are a bit bigger and sturdier than normal box files, having wooden sides in some cases. I worked out the area and how many bases it would accomodate. I have managed to get around 16 to hold the various SK armies. Magnetic sheet in bottom and magnets on bases.

  10. Nice work on the flags and units. I see that you spend time on storage as well as many of us.

    1. Thanks Joe. For this project, the storage has been an integral part. I acquired a couple of the box files from work, way back when and decided these sturdy boxes would be ideal. It meant making sure the figures were the right height (flag bearers) and working out how many bases they could hold. That lead to needing enough for all the figures.....
      The 4 kingdoms (the Soldier Kings) have two boxes each. The Imperial forces, three boxes and the remaining armies 5 boxes. I'm toying with some expansions, so need to ensure they will fit.....

  11. Such a TEASE!
    Nice looking flags. Very artistic. 😀

  12. Thanks Stew! Not meant to be a tease, but I was just heartily sick of them! As it is, I checked today, to find two light infantry were mounted the wrong way (label is supposed to be at rear) and the guns had stuck (supposed to be loose) and removing them took off the paint! Awkward doesn't do them justice!

  13. They look great Neil…
    It may have been a bit of a pail… but it is all coming together nicely.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. For some reason I've struggled with this army. It's about a year since I got them all converted and primed. While there have been some distractions, I just don't seem to have mustered the necessary enthusiasm for them!

  14. More wonderful inspiration, Neil. Thanks for posting these. I am leaning towards your basing style for my WAS project.


  15. Thanks Eric. Hopefully more temptation by way of a parade next weekend.
    On the VWC you mentioned a 24 figure unit of 3x 8 figure bases. My bases are a slight variation of Volley & Bayonet bases (80mm rather than 75mm /3" width with infantry slightly deeper than 40mm).
    In the VnB Jacobite supplement, there are smaller game scales so that a base represents part of a regiment or battalion; pictures show Old Glory figures at around 10 miniatures per base, with three bases lined up as a unit which looks superb.


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